Rockfest 2022

RockFest is Australia's only national battle of the bands for school students

The Blueberries -

National finals in the Primary band category.

6 Big Guys

Blaze Rods

Festival on the lawn

Festival on the lawn was held on Friday 2nd December. 

The general consensus of all who attended agreed that it was a huge success. 

The weather was perfect and after not being able to run events like this for the last few years due to Covid it was wonderful to see so many of the community attend such a positive event.

All the classes really stepped up on the night and performed their songs really well with great skill and energy. Dance and drama students also performed to their songs really well entertaining the crowd. The art show in the hall was a big hit with amazing displays of student artwork and silent auctions. The vendors were very busy serving huge lines of people all night. Face painting and showbags also added to the lovely atmosphere on the night.

Newspaper article on the TPS Music Program

The Warragul Gazette visited the school to do an article about our amazing and unique music program and Festival on the lawn music preparations.

Here is the article as it appeared in the paper.

Instrumental concerts

Twice a year the music department holds instrumental concerts.

The concert at the Festival on the lawn is a celebration of classroom music. These concerts are a celebration of all the hard work extra-curricular instrumental students have put in with their instrumental teachers in music lessons during the year.

There were some amazing performances on drums, vocals, piano, guitar, and small ensemble groups.

Big thanks to the instrumental teachers for their dedication and hard work during the year and thanks to parents/guardians for supporting the program so strongly. 

Well done to all the students who performed and participated on the night.

Assembly performances

Most Friday afternoons a music act/band starts the whole school assembly.


The music dept hosted some music incursions to TPS in 2022. This one was the 'Express yourself' incursion from Musical Futures.

Outdoor performances/Colour run

2022 Graduation