Trafalgar Primary School Music

P3 Hips don't lie 2023

(All other class performance videos in 'Previous years' tab)

P7 7 nation army 2023

Music at Trafalgar Primary School

At Trafalgar Primary School we are fortunate to offer a large and vibrant music program. The study of music fosters intellectual, physical and emotional development as well as helping with social skills, teamwork, memory and leadership skills.

Every student from Foundation to Year 6 participates in a weekly music class with music specialist teacher Ricky Allan. The teaching philosophy is hands-on music classes where students of all ages and abilities learn about music while having fun.

In the classroom students explore beat, rhythm, pitch, melody and composition through singing, playing instruments, body percussion and movement. Students also use and learn a variety of instruments including singing, piano/keyboards, guitars, ukuleles, xylophones and percussion.

The music facilities at the school are of a very high standard with high quality musical instruments, equipment and rooms.

Performance opportunities:

Why learn music?

Music coordinator/Specialist music teacher - Ricky Allan 

Ricky Allan is a music educator, multi-instrumentalist, and professional musician who lives in Moe South with his partner and 4 dogs. After working as an electrical fitter mechanic until his mid-30s Ricky decided on a radical career change to pursue his true passion in life - Music. Ricky studied for his Bachelor of Music at Melbourne Polytechnic and then his Diploma of Primary Education at Monash University. 

Ricky worked for 10 years at Warragul Regional College as a Music, Humanities, and Instrumental teacher before coming to Trafalgar Primary School in 2020. 

Ricky’s musical passion is old-time folk and blues from the early 1900s. Ricky uses vintage instruments to attain the tone of the original players. He enjoys performing as a singer-guitarist/banjo player solo or in his music act 'Coalville Road' and attending live music gigs and music festivals. 

Ricky brings the knowledge and skills he has gained throughout his music and education journey to Trafalgar Primary School.