Week 1

Healthy Heart

Being active, eating well and staying connected all play an important role in keeping our body and mind well.


Remember being active is so good for us in so many ways

The Healthy Heart of Victoria recommends adults are active for at least 30 minutes a day, but young people under 18 should aim to be active for 60 minutes in moderate-vigorous activity.

Remember we have the CSC 'Let's Move it' Site which has some great ideas on how to get active. Click the link below to revisit the site.

What are three different activities you could try from the 'Let's move it site' this week?

Could you get someone at home to try any of these activities with you?


The teen years are a time of rapid growth. You need extra nutrients to support bone growth, hormonal changes, and organ and tissue development, including the brain.

Not only is healthy eating good for us physically, its also important for our mental health.

What are some healthy snacks you could prepare to take to school?

Do you eat your two servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables a day? If not how could you try and do this? (a hot tip, smoothies or juices are great in the warmer weather!)


Over the last couple of months, it has been really hard to stay connected to friends and family, not being able to physically see them.

Staying socially connected is good for our mental health and keeps us feeling happy

There are many other ways we can remain connected by phone, email, social media or old school writing letters!

Your task is to try to reach out to someone you haven't spoken to in a little while. This could be a friend from school, or family member. How could you reach out to them?