At Home Activities for Students During Lockdown

Chair Yoga

Guided Meditation

Oceanarium Meditation

Write a Letter

Click Here

Lego Challenge

Click Here

2 Ingredient Silly Putty

Learn to fingerspell your name in Auslan

It is important to keep busy even if you are practicing social distancing. Below are a list of ideas to keep your mind and body busy!

Learn AUSLAN (sign language)

Learn an instrument (youtube has free lessons)

Learn all the words to your favourite song

Skype/video chat a friend

Make an animation online

Learn how to knit

Paint a picture

Make a comic

Write a poem

Do an online yoga workout

Practice meditation (smiling mind is free!)

Learn to juggle

Go for a walk (yes - you can still do that!)

Go for a bike ride

Dance to your fave tracks

Learn a tic tok dance

Do some gardening

Ask if you can help with chores (your parents will love you for it)

Bake something delicious

Jump rope

Take the Myers Briggs Personality Type quiz - there's loads online

Read a book or magazine

Listen to a podcast

Rewatch your favourite movie from your childhood

Write (and send) a letter to a friend or family member

Keep a diary of your experiences

Learn to Bullet Journal

Re-arrange your room

Organise your wardrobe

Make a friendship bracelet