Start here with a quiz!

  1. ASK

It isn’t always easy to know whether someone is OK, particularly if they haven’t talked about it. However, there are some signs you can look for which could indicate that a friend or family member may need your support.

When to ask?

  • What signs would you be on the look out for with friends?

  • What about during lockdown, when we aren't seeing as much of people in person - what signs would you look for?

How to ask?

  • What characterises a meaningful conversation?

  • What could you say if someone said ‘No, I’m not ok’

  • What could you say if someone said ‘Yes, I’m ok’ but your gut says they’re not ok?

Connecting online - discussion questions

  • What are the strengths of using text/social media such as Snapchat or Instagram to ask someone if they are OK?

  • What are the weaknesses of using text/social media such as Snapchat or Instagram to ask someone if they are OK?

  • What are the opportunities of using text as a form of communication?

  • What are the threats to using texts as a form of communication when asking if someone is OK?

  • Discuss a situation where you have asked a friend if they are OK? How did you ask? Would you have used this same way to ask another friend if they were OK? If not, what would you have changed?

  • What immediate supports are available for you and a friend at your school if you or they are not OK?

2. Listen

Discussion Questions

  • How would you show you were listening?

  • What if you were chatting online? How could you show you were listening?

3. Encourage Action

Discussion Questions

Who could you encourage them to connect with?

  • At school?

  • In the community?

  • Online?

4. Check In

Discussion Questions

How could you check in with your friend? What could you ask?

What is something you could offer to do together?

What if they hadn't connected with a professional yet? How might you encourage them?

Practice Gratitude

Being grateful for the good things in life can really lift your mood & help to maintain a positive outlook.
