Explain why we celebrate days like Wear it Purple Day

Even though there is an increasing acceptance of LGBTIQ+ people in society and greater visibility in the media and public life, many LGBTIQ+ people still experience discrimination, harassment and violence at work, school and in social situations.

By participating in WIPD we are letting LGBTQIA+ people know that we support them and that they are welcome and celebrated at our school.

Watch the video

Watch and discuss the video:

  • Whats it about?

  • What's the message they're trying to convey with this video?

Discussion Activity

Scenario: During the second term of Year 7, your best friend who you have known since you started school tells you they are transgender.

What might you think?

What would be the best way to react?

What might stop you from reacting as you think you should?

How might your reaction make your friend feel?

What might allow you to overcome the barriers and react in the best way?

Enter the competition to win most purple/rainbow mentor group!

Take a picture/screen shot of your mentor group in their purple and send it through to Kellie Showell to be in the running to win a prize for your whole mentor group.