Week 9


  • Remote learning has changed our routines as we don't see our classmates, teachers, friends and relatives due to Covid restrictions. How can we remain connected to people? What lockdown has done is make us think differently about how we connect with people.

  • Acts of kindness are being seen everywhere. You can be kind to your neighbour, someone you know who is alone or it may be simply random.

  • Kindness enriches our sense of who we are, it is something that everyone can give. Kindness gives back to us.

  • What are some of the things you have done to help others during our lockdowns?

  • What have others done for you?

  • Are you kind to yourself? Reflect upon this and share with others in mentor how you are kind to yourself.

Here is a calendar which reminds you to be kind to yourself by practising self care.

Other ways you can be kind to yourself include :

  • don't compare yourself to others

  • set yourself realistic daily goals

  • spend time with your friends online

  • get some fresh air

Next week on Thursday 10th September is National R U OK Day.

What better way to practice being kind to others than to ask them R U OK?

R U OK day is a day to celebrate kindness and asking someone you care about R U OK?

What to say next is the question to reflect upon for R U OK day 2020. Have a discussion in mentor group on Thursday.

When we hear those we care about say "I'm not travelling well." How do we respond, do we want to talk about something else and move away from them not being ok?

You've asked the question and here are some tips to help you respond to them.

  • Let them know you hear what they are saying and you care about how they are feeling.

  • Keep the conversation going

  • You are not expected to fix the problem but you can support them in seeking help by telling a teacher, school counsellor or trusted adult.

  • Look at R U OK website for some more ideas on how to move forwards and offer support.

Kindness quotes

  • Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud

  • Kindness is the mark we leave in the world

  • We rise by lifting others

Write some of your own kindness quotes and share in your mentor class.