Week 5

Routines and Schedules at Home

If all sense of routine has gone out the door at the moment, you’re not alone. There’s no question: coronavirus (COVID-19) has resulted in huge changes to our daily life. These changes might mean that usual routines such as school and work look dramatically different.

What should I be doing at home?

Students with a disability, or who require additional assistance with completing their work, may need to speak with their teacher about their individual requirements.

Guidelines: Learning From Home Daily Activities

The daily guidelines indicate the minimum amount of hours per day you should spend on classwork. This is approx 5 hours in total per day. Included in this time is 30 minutes of physical activity. This is ON TASK time, so this does not include your break times. Students should attempt to follow their timetable, as they would do for a typical school day

Remember... there are 24 hours in a day, so this 5 hours of schooling is less than a quarter of your day! So, its time to make a schedule so you can make the most of it!

A note for year 11 & 12's: The amount of study required for students in year 11 & 12 will be heavily influences by the course they are doing (VCAL or VCE), the number of subjects they are enrolled in, and the time of year. At particular times the need for revision may be high and the amount of homework completed on top of school hours could be up to 2-3 hours per day.

Question: What do you think of these guidelines? Do you think you can manage that much school work at home?

Planning your day

So what should you include in your daily routine? All the things you need to do to be happy, healthy and have success, such as:

Sleep - 8-10 hours

Exercise at least 60 minutes per day. The Australian Guidelines for Physical Activity recommend adolescents accumulate 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day as well as limiting screen time and breaking up long periods of sitting. Sadly, over 90% of teens aged 13-17 don’t get the recommended amount of exercise.

School - 5 hours throughout the day

Breaks - it's important to have a break from your screen / sitting every 20 minutes. Set a timer to remind yourself to get up and have a quick stretch or grab a drink. take a few minutes away before getting back into your study.

Meals - take time to sit and eat a meal away from your work / computer screen

Chores - we all have to do them!

Socialising- Make sure you are taking time to connect with friends every day, either by exercising together or connecting online/over the phone

Down time - Read a book, play some music, make something, watch a movie with your family....whatever makes you happy!

Question: What would you like to include more or less of in your day?

Activity: Make your own schedule. You can download the one below or just write it down on a piece of paper.


Video: Why including exercise in your routine is important for good mental health

Question: How can you include some movement in your routine?