Year 9 -12

Lesson 1

Lesson 1 Overview

  • 2 min Read the description: Intro - what is IDAHOBIT

  • 3-5 min Discussion Questions

  • 5 min Introduce (using the description below) and then show video 'If it's not gay, it's not gay'. Then hold a discussion using the question prompts.

  • 9 min Watch the video 'what it's like to be queer'

  • 5 - 10 min Reflection/Discussion about the video.

Introduction: What is IDAHOBIT?

31 years ago - on May 17, 1990 - the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) celebrates LGBTQIA+ people globally, and raises awareness for the work still needed to combat discrimination.

Video Reflection/Discussion Prompts:

What might it have felt like to homosexual people to have had their sexuality classified as a disease?

How do you think this impacted how people viewed LGBTQIA+ people?

Video: If It's Not Gay, It's Not Gay

30 seconds

Intro: "This is a video from New Zealand that was released in 2017. It uses humour to show how discrimination towards LGBTQIA+ people still occurs"

Video Reflection/Discussion Prompts:

"What do you think of this video?

Do you hear comments like 'that's so gay' used? Where do you hear them? Who makes those sorts of comments?

What kind of an impact might they have on someone who is LGBTQIA+?"

ABC Me's 'What It's Like' to be Queer'

9 min

Intro: "We are going to watch another video called 'what it's like to be queer. As you watch the video take note of anything that's new information to you."

Video Reflection/Discussion Prompts:

"What did you notice about those young peoples' experiences of realising they were queer and choosing to 'come out' to the people around them?"

"Can you remember what the letters stood for? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, A-sexual. Queer is sometimes used as an 'umbrella term' to cover all of these different identities.

We will talk more about these different ways people might define themselves next week."

Lesson 2

Lesson 2 Overview

  • 1 min - Intro: last week we watched the videos 'If it's not gay, it's not gay' and 'what it's like to be queer'. This week we will look at the different ways people what choose to define themselves.

  • 1 min - Handout: the Genderbread Person. Provide the handout (1 per table). Explain that we will now watch a video that explains what the 'genderbread' person is and how it can help us understand how people might identify themselves in regards to both their gender and sexuality.

  • 3 min - Watch Video ' the genderbread person'

  • 5 - 10 min - Discussion using the prompts

  • 4 min - Video: Nevo's Story

  • 10 min - Discussion using the prompts. You may also choose to watch the remainder of Nevo's story.

  • 2 min - Wrap up: This week we have talked about the different ways people might identify. Next week we will discuss 'how to be a good ally', which basically means 'how to be a good friend'.

Video: The Genderbread Person


Handout: The Genderbread Person

Genderbread Person v4 POSTER 18x24.pdf

Video Reflection/Prompts

Let's use the 'gender bread person' to try and better understand these ideas. Starting with 'anatomical sex' what are some things that might be seen as more male or female? Next, what about 'gender identity'? (hint: it's on the sheet in the grey bubbles)

How does attraction fit into all of this?

What makes gender identity different from sexual orientation?

What is the difference between gender expression and biological sex?

Video: Nevo's Story

10.49 min in total - stop video at 4 minutes.


We are going to hear from a young person called Nevo. Using your 'genderbread person' try and work out how Nevo identities.

Video Reflection/Prompts

In the video, how did Nevo identify? What was his gender identity? Who was he attracted to? When his gender identity changed, did who he was attracted to change? Why not? Could this change again over time?

What do you think it's like for Nevo explaining how he identifies to other people? Would it be a hard thing to do? What would make it harder/easier?

Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Overview

  • Preparation: Print off resource on page 46 (approx 1 for every two students) here

  • 1 min - Intro: last week we watched the videos 'If it's not gay, it's not gay' and 'what it's like to be queer'.

  • 15 min - Activity: Video and Discussion

  • 5 - 8 min Writing Activity


Last week we looked at the Genderbread person and Nevo's story. This week we are going to be looking at how we can be a good ally and support our friends.

An ally is someone who supports and advocates for the equal treatment of a community other than their own. Allyship is also active and understanding this is an important part of being an ally.

Video: Dear My Year 7 Self

9 min

Intro: this video is older people giving their year 7 selves some advice.

Video Reflection/Prompts

They talked about some of the things that might make it hard for people who have 'come out' What were some of those things?

What reasons did they give for having used homophobic language or bullying?

What advice did they have for being a good ally?

What could a student at this school do to be a good ally to the people around them?

Writing Activity

Access the exercise sheet ' what would you do' on page .46 of the resource here

Ask students to pair up, discuss and write their answers. If time, discuss as a group.