Human Impacts

Red Fox

Stage 6 ESS Virtual Fieldwork Program

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which this fieldwork program was done. We pay our respects to the Elders, past, present and future and acknowledge the Aboriginal Elders and knowledge holders who have helped us to understand the special connection Aboriginal peoples have with the land.


The following is a virtual fieldwork program set at Bobbin Head Head in Sydney's North.

There are six parts to this program:

  1. Fox Features

  2. Purpose of Investigation

  3. Fieldwork Planning

i. Bandicoot Habitat

ii. Site Information

iii. Equipment

  1. Fieldwork Data

i. Site 1

ii. Site 2

  1. Analysis and Conclusion

  2. Depth Study (Optional)

How to use this resource I Gibberagong EEC (2:58min)


The Red Fox Virtual Fieldwork program developed to support Module 4 - Human Impacts of the Year 11 Earth and Environmental syllabus.

Syllabus Inquiry Question

How do introduced species affect the Australian environment and ecosystems?

Fieldwork Inquiry Question

How are foxes controlled or mitigated in the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park?

Working Scientifically

This virtual fieldwork program is organised around the working scientifically skills outcomes of the Human Impacts module in the EES syllabus.

It is recommended that students spend time understanding the working scientifically outcomes diagram to ensure they are able to align this with the fieldwork and resource activities.

Working scientifically diagram

NESA | © 2019

Students - How to use this resource

Step 1 - Download a copy of the Student Fieldwork Booklet and save in to your own drive before you begin.

Step 2 - Use the top menu on this site to navigate through the activities, completing answers to each question in your Student Fieldwork Booklet.

Teachers - Assessing Student Learning

Student Fieldwork Booklet

You may wish to assess student learning using the Student Fieldwork Booklet and differentiate the questions to meet the needs of your students. Download the booklet and send out your own version.

Assessment Task

You may wish to assess student learning using the Student Assessment Task. Simply make a copy and differentiate the questions to meet the needs of your students.


Contact David Smith from Gibberagong EEC if you have any questions or for the answers or 9457 8245.

Gibberagong Environmental Education CentreDepartment of Education NSWKu-ring-gai Chase National ParkBobbin Head
PO Box 3276Asquith NSW 2077
Phone: 02 9457 8245Fax: 02 9457 8182
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