@The Arts Unit Creative Classes 

The Wild West

Explore the Wild West through creative arts

Student dance and visual art resource developed by The Arts Unit

Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 dance and visual arts

What will I learn?

You will:

Before you begin

In these activities, you'll learn lots of new things about dancing like a cowboy or cowgirl. 

You will also create some beautiful desert art. 

There might be some activities where you'll need an adult's help.

We hope you have fun exploring the world of the wild, Wild West!

Cowboy and cowgirl cartoon

Are you ready to explore some Wild West cowboy or cowgirl dancing?

Select the cowgirl boot to go to the first dancing activity.

Cowgirl boot link to go to first dancing activity.

2. Let's dance 2

Let's ride off into the sunset for some more Wild West dancing!

Select the cowboy hat to go to the second dancing activity.

Cowboy hat link to go to second dancing activity.

3. Let's create

Now it's time to create a Wild West landscape artwork!

Select the cactus to go to the desert artwork activity.

Cactus link to go to artwork activity.

You might like to explore more of our @The Arts Unit Creative Classes:

The Dot - Preschool and Kindergarten visual arts
Be a friend - K-2 dance, drama and visual arts

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