The Arts Unit Creative Teachers

3 to 6 – lesson 2

Performance, listening and movement activities for 3 to 6

Student music resource developed by The Arts Unit in consultation with Kay Taylor

Years 3 to 6 music


Lesson 2 focuses on developing a deeper understanding of beat. 

Students use this understanding to perform body percussion and bucket drumming.

Learning intentions

Through this lesson:

Assessment opportunities

Student progress can be monitored through a range of assessment strategies differentiated according to individual student needs. Assessment opportunities could include:

Activity 1

Required resources 

Teacher tambourine

Key vocabulary


Teacher adaptions as required


Close up photo of a teacher holding a yellow, cresent-shaped tambourine.

Teacher with a tambourine

Activity 2

Required resources

Key vocabulary



stamp, stamp, clap, click, stamp, stamp, clap, click. 

Progress around the circle, asking each student to demonstrate a body percussion pattern for all students to copy

Work with body percussion until the students feel confident and ready to transfer to bucket drumming. 

After practising the copying activity, students can drum the demonstrated rhythm together with the teacher.

Example rhythms

Musical notation of 6 example rhythms. Each rhythm is 4 beats long, and each includes a combination of crotchets, paired quavers and crotchet rests.

The High Road – section 1

Duration 1:29

The High Road (Section 1).mp3

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