Digital @ The Arts Unit Creative Teachers

Generating movement for primary dance

Teacher dance resource developed by The Arts Unit

Engaging the students/working across different levels 

Always assume the students are unaware of traditional ways in which to move and may have different ways/abilities to learn to move. 

A  good starting point is exploring the space and introducing elements of composition such as locomotor/non-locomotor moments, different levels, different shapes and a safe word such as freeze to stop all movement. 

Using music and common interests or themes will stimulate students straight away, as a way of an ice breaker and breaking barriers to begin to move. 

Stimulating words and actions 

Creative words with visuals students can relate to allow for easy access to stimulate movement, for example: 

They don't even need to make sense!

Creative play into movement 

Use a story/theme: for example, the environment - perhaps the 'life cycle of a leaf'. How it begins, what happens to the leaf, what is the conclusion? 

 When we watch a dance performance there is a beginning, middle and ending and so short dance tasks in class such as stories/improvisations using the same format can be included in every lesson. 

This will prepare students when it's time to put routines together for performances.

Building on themes/sequences

See the example structure below:

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