Digital @ The Arts Unit Creative Teachers

Composition tasks for primary students

Teacher dance resource developed by The Arts Unit

Introduction tasks 

Shapes - lower primary

Levels - use a theme from class to explore shapes on different levels.

In groups make 4 distinct objects; eg cars, bi-planes, the Opera House, a pyramid, a butterfly, buildings, animals etc.

Ensure that the students can recreate exactly the shape and know where their individual position in the group is:

Construction task - lower/middle/upper primary 

Create 2 movements that represent a piece of machinery that is used on a building site: for example a jack hammer, a crane, brick laying, digging, a cement mixer.


Commando - lower/middle/upper primary 

Create 5 different ways a commando might move through a jungle; for example:

Each pair to perform their sequence to the class.

Machines/transformers - lower/middle/upper primary 

In groups of 4 ask students to create 4 movements that are like a machine/robot; for example: chopping, stamping, turning/stirring, pounding.

Always remember to tell students that their movements need to look like a machine - brainstorm what a machine looks like and how it moves - linear, sharp, metal - this will help determine the movement dynamics.


Locomotion in space: maps - middle primary 

Draw a series of maps - either ask students to or create yourself for the students.  Create a theme for each map - for example: jungle, under the sea, astronauts in space, in the garden, over the rainbow.

On each map include 4 long lines of different shapes and 4 spots including one at the beginning and one at the end.

Students are asked in groups of 4 to follow the map in the space.

Based on a theme of teacher or student choice create new movement for each of the lines of the map. For example: in the garden - leap over the mushrooms, roll in the grass, wade through the pond, twirl under the tree.

Encourage students to think about different ways of moving and levels: for example - rolling, commando crawls, hopping, swimming, bunny hops, leaping.

On each of the spots the students are to create a freeze frame based on their theme.

The students then refine the movement to ensure it is exactly in unison or canon depending on the travelling sequence.

Photos - middle/upper primary 

Collect a number of images from the newspaper over a couple of weeks, and cut them out. 

Composition for a phrase - upper primary 

In pairs create a short 16 count phrase 

Ask for one arm/arms movement, one leg/legs movement, floor work, roll of a body part, jump, turn, torso, isolation. These can be performed in any order.

Manipulation of a phrase 

Newspaper - upper primary 

Part 1: Create a walking phrase spelling out your name. Change direction on each letter, and vary the way you walk. For example; backwards, sideways, jumping, sliding - be imaginative.

For example:

Make sure you create all lines in the letter.

Part 2: With a newspaper create a number of ways people might use a newspaper. For example: read it, fold it, use it to cover you from the rain, slam it shut, screw it up. 

Part 3: Combine the walking phrase with the newspaper gestures to create your own newspaper phrase.

Part 4: Combine with a partner and teach one another your phrases. 

Place it into a 4/4 music structure with counts of 8.

You now have your own city scene.

Gestures - upper primary 

Create 4 gestures that you believe are the most honest representation of 4 facets of your personality: happy, sad, outgoing/extrovert, shy/insecure, awkward.

Embellishment: embellish each gesture, making the gesture larger, over-exaggerated and slower, making it faster or slower. adding other body parts, performing 2 gestures at once, and so on.

Add levels, change of direction and height to each gesture to create an interesting group scene.

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