Lesson 2


Learning Intention

We are using a KWL Chart to show prior knowledge and learning directions.

Inquiry Questions

What is Muogamarra/West Head like?

Why is it special?

How can we look after Muogamarra/West Head?


Geography: GEe-1

As a class, complete the first two columns of the KWL. This activity will provide the students with the opportunity to brainstorm prior knowledge about the content and key inquiry questions. It is also an opportunity to identify incorrect preconceptions and provides an assessment opportunity after the completion of the ‘Learn’ column after the excursion.

Some prompting questions could be:

  • What do you think Muogamarra/West Head will look like?

  • What plants or animals do you think we will see?

  • Has anyone been to a place like this before?

  • Nobody lives at Muogamarra/West Head anymore, why do you think that is?

  • Who used to live at Muogamarra/West Head?

  • Who visits this place now?

  • Why do you think this place might be special?

  • How do you think we could help protect Muogamarra/West Head when we visit?

  • What do you wonder about our visit to Muogamarra/West Head?

  • Do you have any questions you would like to ask the Gibberagong Teachers about Muogamarra/West Head?