
Sport is divided into several categories.

1. Thursday Sport (Year 7-10)

2. Sport Carnivals

3. Knock Out Sport

4. Representative Sport

  1. Thursday Sport

Thursday Sport takes place each Thursday morning from 8.25am -10am. For Term 1, 2 and 3 Year 7 students take part in a sport rotation and experience the fundamentals of a variety of traditional sports. These include; Fun Fitness, Invasion Games (such as frisbee, soccer and basketball), Striking games (such as Cricket and T-ball), Racquet games (paddle tennis and badminton). Students wear their Sports Uniform to school on a Thursday and remain in the uniform for the duration of the day. Year 8 - Year 10 will have the opportunity to select a sport of their choice. This will occur at the end of each term and the selection process will take place by using school bytes. Student will make two preferences of the sports of their choice.

  1. Sports Carnivals

Sports Carnivals - Northern Illawarra Zone, South Coast region and CHS NSW state takes part in three traditional school sporting carnivals. These carnivals include, swimming, cross country and athletics. Smith's Hill High School have a strong carnival attendance and culture. The school takes pride in their house spirit and embeds the school ethos of EnRICH. Endeavour, Respect, Integrity, Compassion and Harmony. To progress through to each representative level you must take part in the carnival. Our school carnival information dates will be posted by the end of the year.

  1. Knock Out Sports

Knock out sports. Students are eligible to trial for U15 and Open school sport teams in any CHS knock out sport. These include, Football (soccer), Basketball, Tennis, Netball, Volleyball, Touch football, Cricket and Water polo. Other sports which are outside of the CHS sport, may or may not run, depending on teacher availability and student interest in the sport.

  1. Representative Sport

Representative sport at a south coast level is predominantly at an all age level. This means that your child in year 7 would be competing for a spot in a team against a student in year 12. There are very few sports which are not all age and students will be notified of this throughout the year. Students will be responsible for listening and seeking information about representative sporting opportunities and this will be delivered through Monday assemblies