Social Media

Why teens use social media

Social media is a way for teenagers to stay in touch with their friends. Teens have always talked after school, long before social media – hanging out at the bus stop, at the local park, chatting on the phone – now they just have a different platform to do so.  It is an important part of socialising and connection in the modern world. Teenagers and social media use is increasing.

Benefits of social media use for teenagers

Being socially connected is very important for the psychological development of your child, and in this day and age, the online environment is where they get a lot of this. By connecting with others through social media, your child could:

Risks of social media use for teenagers

Like any form of social engagement, social media comes with risks. Some of the most common risks include:

Further infomation on social media useage

 The below sites provide information, support and practical tips to help navigate social media usage with teenagers.

e-Safety Commissioner

Reach Out 

Raising Children