Mathematics Numeracy 


This course is for students not wishing to attend University but would like to continue with Maths in the senior years or need it to access a trade/trainee ship. This course is about using Mathematics in the real world. 

Cost of Course:$20

Numeracy Stage 6 Content Endorsed Course

Course Description

The Numeracy course builds on the knowledge, skills and understanding presented in the K–10 curriculum. It supports students to develop the functional numeracy skills required to become active and successful participants in society.


The Numeracy Stage 6 CEC Syllabus is designed to offer opportunities for students to reason numerically and think mathematically. Numerical reasoning and mathematical thinking are supported by an atmosphere of questioning, communicating, reasoning and reflecting and are engendered by opportunities to generalise, challenge, find connections and to think critically and creatively.


The Numeracy course provides opportunities for students to develop 21st-century knowledge, skills, understanding, values and attitudes. As part of this, students are encouraged to learn to use appropriate technology as an effective support for numerical and mathematical activities.


What students learn

The study of Numeracy in Stage 6 enables students to build on existing numeracy skills and to develop and improve their capability to:

      in order to manage situations and solve problems relating to their present and future needs.


Year 12 course

The Numeracy Year 12 course content comprises 2 modules. The modules are divided into content areas.

Module 3:

Module 4:



Industries related to Mathematics CEC

The knowledge and skills developed in this course can be applied across a range of career pathways.

Industries related to this course include, but are not limited to, the following outlined on the Your Career website:



School-based assessment requirements

Year 12

Component                                                                                                                                                  Weighting

Knowledge and understanding     50%

Skills                                                                                                                                                                         50%

The Year 12 formal school-based assessment program is to reflect the following requirements:

Some students with disability may require adjustments in order to access assessment opportunities and demonstrate achievement of outcomes.

Awarding of grades in Numeracy Stage 6

There is no external examination for the Numeracy Stage 6 CEC.

Schools will use the Achievement Level Descriptions for Numeracy Stage 6 to award grades for school-based assessment. NESA monitors the grades awarded by all schools and conducts work sample reviews to ensure the grades reported on NESA credentials are comparable. Information on retaining and submitting student work samples is available under Awarding grades.

All students studying the Numeracy Stage 6 CEC for the HSC will have their school-based assessment reported on NESA credentials as a grade (A to E).

Pattern of study                                     Students studying the Numeracy Stage 6 CEC should ensure that their pattern of study meets all NESA requirements. Content Endorsed Courses do not count in the calculation of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).


Text:  Yes

Must have calculator

Faculty:  Mathematics

Contact: Mr Dean Lappas- Head Teacher