Vocational Education


Australia is headed into a skilled labour shortage. People are required more then ever to train and join the trade industry. With such a demand for employees in trade areas the chance of employment is quite high.

Designed to deliver workplace-specific skills and knowledge, vocational education and training (VET) covers a wide range of careers and industries, including trade and office work, retail, hospitality and technology.

At NCAPAHS we offer students the opportunity to complete the following qualifications on school premises:

Certificate II Hospitality - Food and Beverage

Certificate III in Assistant Dance Teaching

Statement of Attainment towards Certificate III in Live Production and Services (Also Known as ENTERTAINMENT)

Certificate III in Retail

Certificate III in Sport Coaching

PLEASE NOTE: If you want an ATAR you can study 2 Category B Subjects but only 1 can count to your ATAR.

Which VET subjects allow me to complete the exam for my ATAR?

Hospitality, Retail, and Entertainment allow you to complete an optional examination.

You can still complete Sports Coaching or Assistant Dance Teaching however there is no examination available and this will then limit your units to 10 to be counted towards an ATAR.

What is the benefit of studying a VET subject?

Students that study a VET subject are provided not only with their HSC but also a qualification that is recognised by ASQA. This means the qualification is recognised by TAFE and further study can continue in that area with the possibility of recognised prior learning which provides advanced standing in a future course.

Students also get to make industry contacts through work placement which provided them with industry experience.

There is a 74% success rate of students that have completed a VET subject gaining employment once leaving school withing 6 months.