Term 4 Odd Years


Information and Communication Technologies

Students develop ICT capability by maximising use of the technologies available to them, adapting as technologies evolve and limiting the risks to themselves and others in a digital environment. Students locate, select, evaluate, communicate and share geographical information using digital and spatial technologies. They explore the effects of technologies on places, on the location of economic activities and on people’s lives and understand the geographical changes produced by the increasing use of technology.


2023 Geography Term 4


Information and Communication Technology capability

Students develop ICT competence as they learn to use ICT effectively and appropriately when investigating, creating and communicating ideas and information at school, at home, at work and in their communities. Competence in ICT is most evident in historical skills associated with locating, processing and communicating historical information. This includes the use of information technologies to access a growing range of digitised online materials; spreadsheets and databases for analysing evidence and historical trends; digital technologies to create, publish and present their learning; communication technologies, for example wikis and blogs, to enhance students' analytical thinking capabilities in their study of history and online forums and video conferencing to discuss and debate ideas.


History Odd Years Term 4