Modern Greek Continuers




Item 1

Listen to Dimitra talk about her problem.


Write an email in Greek to respond to her (about 50 words).

Item 2

Listen to the following dialogue and answer the questions in English.

  1. Why is Georgia so upset and concerned?
  2. How does Giannis try to comfort his sister?

Item 3

Listen to the following passage and list the missing words.


Η Γιάννα και ο Χρήστος είναι _________ αλλά δεν μοιάζουν καθόλου μεταξύ τους στην _________ εμφάνιση. Οι __________ τους όμως είναι ίδιοι. Και τα δύο αδέλφια είναι __________ και έχουν καλούς τρόπους. Επίσης, και τα δύο παιδιά είναι __________ και άριστοι _________. Τους αρέσουν πολύ τα ___________ και όταν τελειώσουν το λύκειο, το __________ τους είναι να σπουδάσουν __________. Τα παιδιά αυτά είναι τόσο _________ που ο κόσμος τα χρησιμοποιεί ως ___________. Οι __________ τους τα καμαρώνουν και είναι _________ γι’αυτά.

Item 4


Are the following statements true or false?

  1. The narrator’s parents visit Greece every year.
  2. They usually travel in October and return in May.
  3. Greece gives them the opportunity to spend their summers together with their parents and relatives.
  4. The narrator’s father is an only child.

Item 5


Answer the following questions in English.

  1. How is the grandfather described by his grandson?
  2. What were the grandfather’s occupations?
  3. According to the narrator’s mother, what did the grandfather do during the years of the Occupation?
  4. How did the villagers show their gratitude towards him?
  5. What did the grandchildren remember the most?
  6. Where is the grandfather now?


Item 1

  1. What does Zoe believe about friendships and why?
  2. Describe Andreas as a person. How does he relate to his friends?
  3. Explain the phrase: “Mην εμπιστευτείς το φίλο σου και πεις το μυστικό σου’’. Why does Aphroditi use this phrase?

Item 2


You are Katerina and you have just received this email from Stamatis.

Write an appropriate response to him. Write about 60 words in Greek.

Item 3

  1. Why has Panagiota called Eirini?
  2. What arrangements are made between Panagiota and Eirini?

Item 4

  1. Why do some people think that Antonia and the narrator are sisters?
  2. Why does the narrator have particular respect for Antonia ?

Item 5

  1. Why wasn’t Harry able to contact Stella?
  2. What advice does Stella give to Harry?

School life

Item 1


Choose the correct answers, according to the passage.

  1. Mrs Georgopoulou has organised:
    • an excursion for five days
    • a camp for year 9 students
    • a day at the beach
    • a trip to the mountains.
  2. Each student must take the following items:
    • hat, towels, sport shoes
    • sun block, hat, pillow, blankets
    • toothpaste, toothbrush, pillow, hat
    • pyjamas, skivvy, soccer ball, tennis racket.
  3. During the day the students will be involved in a variety of activities such as:
    • tennis and swimming
    • gymnastics and games
    • soccer and volleyball
    • mountain walks and kayaking.
  4. Students will be responsible for:
    • cleaning and mopping
    • cooking and serving
    • singing and dancing
    • looking after their cabins.

Item 2


Imagine you are Mary. Continue the conversation in Greek and describe other important areas in your school that Alexander will find useful.

Item 3

  1. State two differences between the Australian and the Greek education system.
  2. Why aren’t there any discipline problems at the schools in Greece?

Item 4


Respond to Toula’s email in Greek. Ask her specific questions and comment on the information that she has sent you. Write about 60 words.

Item 5

  1. What is Markos’ dilemma?
  2. Why is Markos reluctant to pursue his career as an economist?
  3. What advice does the careers adviser give Markos and why?
