Welcome to the Wellbeing Hub

Wellbeing Matters

In a very general way, wellbeing is about the quality of a person's life. It isn't just about feeling happy, or confident, or even well. Rather wellbeing is a way of thinking about a whole range of areas of our life. Wellbeing is a measure of our flourishing, enabling us to make meaning and to have quality relationships with others. It allows us to acknowledge and utilize our strengths while accepting and embracing our vulnerabilities. It is the ways in which we connect to a greater good, and find pleasure in things which are challenging and enjoyable.

At Merewether High School, we believe that wellbeing and excellence go hand in hand and that supporting students to thrive emotional, socially, psychologically, and physically is key to enabling our students to achieve their potential, contribute meaningfully, and support others to do the same.

Here at the Wellbeing Hub, you will find information about services available at Merewether, important aspects of our wellbeing processes, resources, activities, and applications, information for students, parents and caregivers, opportunities to connect with the wellbeing team and a range of useful information.


The Wellbeing Team

Student Services Team

We have a dedicated team who support students in their learning, provide support and facilitate wellbeing. Year Advisors provide a first point of contact for students and parents to engage with staff, alongside a dedicated Head Teacher of Wellbeing, the Learning Support team, Student Support Officer, and School Counsellor. Click above to learn more about the team. 

MHS Wellbeing Portal has been developed to provide resources for students and their families. This information should not replace professional support and advice.