
Important contacts

Throughout the transition to high school, there may be times where you would like to share information with the school.

The period leading up to transition will generally be facilitated by our Head Teacher Wellbeing (Amanda Saladine). Amanda can be contacted on (02) 49342066.

Year advisor(s) for 2024 are:

Kimberley Delaney

Stephen Manning

Communication with the school

The school is committed to working in partnership with parents and carers to achieve the best educational outcomes for students. Teachers are always pleased to discuss issues parents wish to raise and will often initiate that dialogue. We encourage parents to contact us if there are any concerns you may have regarding educational or social development at school.

We have a number of formal communication methods in place at Maitland Grossmann High School:

We publish a newsletter twice a term (end of weeks 5 and 10) which provides our school community with updates on what has been happening around the school and with our students and staff.

Deadly Connections Newsletter showcases our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and events that occurred throughout the year. It is also a great opportunity to highlight individual student achievements both at school and in the community. The newsletter supports our First Nation students take pride in their culture and feel valued in every opportunity they experience.

The official Maitland Grossmann High School Facebook page is used to share news with the wider school community - .

This provides key information relevant to your student such as attendance, timetables, calendar and general news items.

Additional communication occurs through our Parent Teacher Information Nights held throughout the year. These nights are advertised through the newsletters, Sentral calendar, Facebook page and notification direct to all parents via email. Appointments are made through the Sentral Parent Portal.