Let's move

Let's move and get active!

This week we will practise our catching skills and have fun moving our bodies!

Remember, you can repeat these activity during the week.

Get active


You will need:


a pair of socks to throw

Note: The video mentions a student logbook. This is not required.

Watch the video and join in!



Mini Pop Kids

Watch the video and dance along.

Can't Stop the Feeling
Duration: 4:36

Brain energisers


Watch the video and join in the activity.

10@10 – pets

Duration: 10:57


Cosmic Kids Yoga

Watch the video and join in.

Kickapoo the Kangaroo
Duration: 16:03


Andy's Wild Workouts

Watch the video and join in.

Duration: 6:49


Shake and move

Listening activity

Listen, move and dance with Jimmy Giggle and friends!

Hint! This is a long audio clip – try doing just a little bit each day.

Shake and Move
Duration: 59:58

If you can't listen to this audio clip, try some of these activities instead! (Select arrow)

Let's get active!

  • Make sure you have a clear space to move around in.

  • Put on some of your favourite music.

  • Move your body in time with the music.

  • Hold your arms up high and stretch as tall as you can. See if you can touch the sky!

  • Move your body like a train rolling along the tracks. Swing your arms like the wheels on a train, around and around.

  • Jump side to side in time with the music.

  • Pretend you are playing your favourite instrument. You could play the air guitar, the drums, a trumpet or another instrument you like.

  • Skip in a circle in time with the music.

  • Clap your hands to the beat. Try to clap a pattern in time with the music.

  • Bend your knees, jump or skip in time with the music.

  • Move like your favourite animal in time with the music. You could hop like a kangaroo, slide like a snake or swim like a fish. Can you move like more than one type of animal?

Well done! You've done a great job being active today.

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