Let's get creative

Let's dance, sing and create!

Remember, you can repeat these activities again throughout the week.


Nursery rhymes

You will need:





a sponge or potato for printing

Watch video
Icon: speaking activity

Watch the video and join in!

Humpty Dumpty

Duration: 15:18

Who's in the lift?

Watch the video and listen carefully.

A percussionist!
Duration: 4:59

Music and instruments

Watch the video and join in!

Band on the bus
Duration: 2:31


Cut out shape art

You will need:





Glue or sticky tape

a glue stick

Watch the video to see the Art Crew's awesome shape art.

Cut out shape art
Duration: 5:54

Now it's your turn!

  • Use your scissors to carefully cut out different shapes from some coloured paper.
    Hint! If you haven't got coloured paper you can colour it in with pencils or use recycled magazines.

  • Arrange your shapes onto a plain sheet of paper.

  • Glue down your shapes.

  • Well done! You've made an amazing shape artwork!

Draw a hippo

You will need:

coloured pencils



Watch the video and follow along.

How to draw a hippo with shapes
Duration: 6:30


Drama games

Watch the video and join in.

Drama games
Duration: 15:53

Let's pretend!

Listening activity

Listen, join in and have fun!

Hint! This is a long audio clip – try doing just a little bit each day.

Let's pretend!
Duration: 59:59

If you can't listen to this audio clip, try some of these activities instead! (Select arrow)

Let's use our imagination!

  • What are some different animals? Use actions and sounds to show 3 different animals. Move like your animal.

  • Pick up an object such as a spoon, book or tissue. What else could it be? For example, you could pretend a spoon is a microphone, a pencil or a toothbrush!

  • Let's think of some different jobs. Pretend you are an astronaut, a doctor, a chef or an artist. What else could you be? Act it out.

  • Use your body to represent different objects. How could you become a car, a tree, a water bottle or a chair?

  • Use clothes, props or dress ups to become a character (such as a fairy, wizard or pirate). Speak and move like your character.

  • Sing your favourite song (or say a few sentences) in different ways. You could sing it really fast or slow... or you could sing it like a robot or an opera singer! Try singing without moving your mouth too much. Can you sing or speak like you are talking underwater?

  • Let's pretend we're going on an adventure. Start by jumping on a plane, boat, submarine, rocketship or hot air balloon! What happens on your adventure?

  • Say a phrase like 'That's interesting' with different emotions. Try sounding happy, surprised, confused or suspicious.

  • Act out a short scene, such as a day at the beach or going to the shops. Act out the scene without speaking. Act out the scene backwards.

  • Think of an object, such as a shoe, a plant or a toaster. If it could speak, what might it say?

  • Act out your favourite story – with or without speaking.

  • Think of a character from a story. It could be an animal or a person. Listen to some music and move to the music like that character!


Do the silly dance

Icon: Watch video
Icon: Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in.

Play School – Do the silly dance
Duration: 1:58

Hint! There's more dancing on the Let's move page!

Well done! You've used your imagination and been very creative today!

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