
Sustainability action process – Step 5

Reflect on successes of the project and knowledge and skills you gained.

Evaluate and measure the success of your proposal in addressing the original intention and achieving your goal.

Record your reflections in your learning journal.

Evaluate the sustainability action

  • Did we achieve our goal of creating a kitchen garden in our school?
  • What were the strengths and weaknesses of our plan?
  • How could the proposal and action be improved?
  • What will we do with the evaluation information?
  • How can we communicate our success and engage others to try our idea?

Use your photographs and digital text to tell people about your project and your achievement.

Write an article for the school newsletter or local newspaper.

Reflect on the learning

  • How have our feelings and behaviour changed as a result of our learning?
  • How well did we participate in group learning activities?
  • What was the most enjoyable part of the project?
  • How can I apply what I’ve learnt to another sustainability issue?
Record your reflections on the project process, achievements and your learning.

In your learning journal:

  • reflect on the whole project
  • state if you have addressed the original issue
  • outline some new knowledge and skills you have developed
  • outline the most enjoyable part of the project.

What other sustainability actions can you undertake?