

Regular attendance and punctuality at school are legal requirements.

All attendance is monitored daily and poor attendance will be followed up with parents and possibly with the Home School Liaison Officer – in accordance with the policy of the Department of Education and Training.

Written notes are required for all absences within 7 days of the absence and must clearly give reasons for the absence.

Doctor’s appointments should, wherever possible, be made out of school hours.

Overseas trips and absences from school for a period of more than 15 days require permission from the Department of Education. Parents need to ask for the appropriate forms at the school office. Parents will need to provide travel documentation for overseas travel for an exemption to be granted.

All students should be at school by 8:50am.

Students who are late and arrive after the 8:55am bell must report to the school office for a late note, accompanied by their parent. A record of lateness is kept.

All students will be called to the office for early departure. Please go straight to the office if you wish to take your child home early. It must be a justifiable absence reason.