Kindergarten Photos

100 Days of School.mp4

100 Days Of Kindergarten - 100 Days Smarter

Kindergarten reached a BIG milestone! They celebrated our 100th day of Kindergarten in style. The teachers and students all dressed up as 100 year old nans and pops. They all looked so cute and had so much fun!

80's Dress Up Day

The whole school enjoyed a day of fluro colours, big hair and crazy clothes to step back in time to the 80's. The students and teachers all got involved and looked wonderful.


Chicks in Kindy.mp4

Chicken Hatchery in Kindergarten

During Term 3, Kindergarten had a chicken hatchery. It was a great learning experience for the students and they loved learning and taking photos of the chicks. The students got creative with making scenes for the chicks to have photos and these photos became great stimulus for writing in the classroom.