Before Day 1 2023

Before Your Child Begins in 2023

What To Buy

Your child needs only a couple of things before they begin Kindergarten:

  • Good sized school bag - make sure it can fit a lunch box, library book and jumper. If it is too small, they find it challenging to open and close and maneuver their belongings

  • Lunchbox - please make sure your child can open and close their own lunch box. It is a great idea to take them shopping to check this before you purchase one. Lunchboxes are not taken out at recess time into the playground.

  • Drink bottle - any type of drink bottle will be fine as long as they can open and close it correctly so it doesn't spill in their school bag.

  • School uniform - see school uniform section of website for specific details.

Kindergarten students do not need books, pencils, textas, pencil cases, rules or any other stationery items. These are all in the classrooms ready for the students to use.

What Self-Help Skills Your Child Can Practise Before Kindergarten

  • Packing and unpacking their school bag independently. Make sure they can get their lunch box in and out of their bag and they can undo the zippers and do them back up.

  • Know what food to eat at each break. Try packing their lunchbox in the school holidays and make 3 meal break during their day. Your child will need to know what to eat during Crunch and Sip (a piece of fresh fruit eaten in class in the morning session), recess and lunch time. Sometimes the children are not sure what food is to be eaten at what break time. It is very handy to practise this in the Christmas holidays before coming to school.

  • Opening the packaging of their foods on their own. If your child can not open their food items, it is best they don't bring them to school or you could pre-cut the packages open to assist with this. The children often find the twist yogurts very difficult, and these are best to be pre-opened so the seal is broken.

  • Tying their own shoe laces. Teach your child how to tie their shoe laces so they can get ready in the mornings and do them back up throughout the day if needed. If they are unable to do this, it is recommended to buy shoes with velcro fasteners so they can do their shoes independently.

Busways Opal Card

Children in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2, who need to travel to and from school on a school bus, require their own OPAL CARD. You will need to go online to apply for an Opal Card for your child. You can access the link here: