Indonesian Beginners

Family life, home and neighbourhood


Activity 1 – bertemu dengan tetangga

Sam Jones has just moved to Indonesia with his family. Listen to the conversation between Sam and Sri.

Sam Sri Conversation.mp3

Question 1

True (benar) or false (salah)?

  1. Sam has studied Indonesian for two years.
  2. Sam and Kris are the same age.
  3. Sri is younger than Kris.
  4. Kris has to leave early because he must finish his homework.
  5. Sam likes spicy food.

Question 2

Complete the following text related to the conversation you heard.

List of words:

  • tetangga
  • dekat
  • berbahasa
  • sekolah
  • tinggal

Sam dan keluarganya baru pindah ke Indonesia. Sam sudah pandai ... Indonesia, karena dia sudah belajar Bahasa Indonesia di ... di Australia. Di pesta dia berbicara dengan Sri. Rumah Sri ... rumah Sam. Mereka berdua ... di Jalan Diponegoro. Sri dan Sam adalah ... .

Question 3

Answer each of the following questions in English using information from the conversation between Sam and Sri.

  1. What surprised Sri when she first met Sam?
  2. How are Sri and Kris related?
  3. Do you think Sam and Kris will become friends? Justify your answer with evidence from the text.
  4. How easily do you think Sam will adapt to life in Indonesia?


Sam and Kris meet each other for the first time. What will they say? With a partner, conduct a role play of their conversation in Indonesian.

Alternatively, write the script of their conversation in Indonesian.

Activity 2 – profil

Five people introduce themselves. Listen to their introductions and complete the activities which relate to each person.








Question 1

Listen to the following statements and decide whether they are true or false. Benar atau salah?


Indra true or false q1.mp3


Indra true or false q2.mp3


Indra true or false q3.mp3


Indra true or false q4.mp3


Indra true or false q5.mp3

Question 2

Which hobby may help Indra in her future career?



Question 1

True or false? Benar atau salah?

  1. Hendrawan lahir di pulau Sumatra.
  2. Hendrawan masih tinggal dengan orang tuanya.
  3. Paman Hendrawan tinggal di Medan.
  4. Hendrawan ingin menjadi insinyur.

Question 2

Explain Hendrawan’s predicament.



Question 1

True or false? Benar atau salah?

  1. Mia lahir di Jepang.
  2. Keluarga bapak Mia tinggal di Tokyo.
  3. Ibu Mia adalah akuntan.
  4. Ibu Mia adalah orang Jepang.

Question 2

  1. Account for Mia’s frequent trips to Japan.
  2. How appropriate is Mia’s career choice?



Question 1

True or false? Benar atau salah?

  1. Chris belajar kimia dan ilmu sosial.
  2. Chris ingin menjadi guru bahasa Indonesia.
  3. Chris sering bermain kriket.
  4. Chris sudah ke pulau Bali dengan 3 orang teman.

Question 2

Do you think Chris will be a good tour guide for his friends?



Question 1

True or false? Benar atau salah?

  1. Jessica mempunyai 2 kakak.
  2. Jessica tidak lahir di Australia.
  3. Kakak Jessica berbintang Leo.
  4. Jessica belajar bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Perancis.

Question 2

How do Jessica’s hobbies differ from those of her sisters?

Concluding questions

  1. Complete the worksheet (Word 188kB) by filling in the appropriate information about Indra, Hendrawan, Mia, Chris and Jessica. When you have finished you can check your answers. (Word 189kB)
  2. You have been given the task of interviewing one of the people for the school magazine. Which character will you choose? Write the script of your interview in Indonesian. Provide your answer to your teacher for review and feedback.
  3. The five people are talking to each other at a party. What will they say? With a partner or in a group, conduct a conversation in Indonesian in which you each take on the personality and background of the chosen character. Provide your answer to your teacher for review and feedback.

Item 1

Listen to the audio:


How does the female speaker feel about the location of her new house?

Item 2

Listen to the audio:


How appropriate is the house for this family?


Read the passage below, then answer the questions which follow in English.

Diet sehat

Bagaimana diet Anda? Apakah diet Anda benar atau salah? Kalau Anda suka cokelat, es krim, atau minuman yang bergula, tidak apa-apa. Anda masih bisa memasukkannya dalam diet Anda. Tetapi Anda harus mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman sehat lain serta Anda harus aktif bergerak dan rajin berolahraga.

Minuman berkarbonasi atau bahasa Inggrisnya sparkling beverages juga dapat menjadi bagian dari gaya hidup sehat Anda. Minuman berkarbonasi bisa menghilangkan rasa haus dan membuat Anda segar. Selain itu minuman berkarbonasi juga dapat memberi karbohidrat yang menghasilkan energi untuk aktivitas sehari-hari.

Ada bermacam-macam jenis minuman yang tersedia untuk dipilih setiap orang yang cocok dengan rasa dan kebutuhan mereka, mulai dari minuman jus segar, minuman ringan diet, minuman ringan reguler, es teh, maupun air minum dalam botol.

Satu hal yang mungkin membuat Anda terkejut bahwa gula dan kalori dalam sebuah minuman ringan sama banyaknya dengan gula dan kalori dalam minuman jus buah. Sebagai contohnya, satu botol Coca-Cola mengandung gula dan kalori yang tidak lebih banyak dari gula dan kalori dalam jus jeruk, dan terdapat lebih sedikit gula dan kalori daripada yang terdapat dalam segelas jus apel maupun jus anggur.


  1. According to the writer is it acceptable to consume chocolate, ice cream and sweet drinks? Justify your answer with reference to the text. (2 marks)
  2. What information is given about sparkling beverages? (3 marks)
  3. Why might readers be surprised after reading this article? (2 marks)