Indonesian Beginners

Education and work


Activity 1 – di sekolah

Listen to the announcements from the principal at the school assembly.

School announcement.mp3

Question 1

Match the Indonesian expression in the left-hand column with its English equivalent in the right-hand column.

  • dengan hati-hati
  • regu
  • selamat datang
  • selamat
  • darmawisata
  • dengan giat
  • jangan lupa
  • dilarang
  • hp
  • mengirim
  • excursion
  • diligently
  • forbidden
  • congratulations
  • carefully
  • team
  • mobile phone
  • welcome
  • to send
  • don't forget

Question 2

Answer each of the following questions in English. Base your answers on the information given in the announcement

  1. Who is visiting the school this week?
  2. Who reached the regional finals?
  3. Who should attend the meeting tomorrow?
  4. What is happening next week?
  5. What general reminders about school rules were given to the students?

Concluding questions

  1. Your friend arrived late and missed the announcement. What information regarding the rest of the day does he need to know? Answer in English.
  2. Imagine that your school is hosting some Indonesian students. You have been asked to explain in Indonesian what is happening in school this week. What announcements will you make?

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 2 – mencari pekerjaan paruh waktu

Listen to the conversation.



Answer the following questions by choosing the correct alternative.

  1. Who is taking part in this conversation?
    • shop assistant and a student
    • shop assiatant and a customer.
    • a manager and a shop assistant.
  2. Where does the majority of the conversation take place?
    • at the back of the shop.
    • outside the shop.
    • at the cash register.
  3. What is the purpose of the conversation?
    • to sell products.
    • to give instructions.
    • an interview.
  4. Which statement about the shop is true?
    • It has many customers from other countries.
    • It is open only on the weekends.
    • It is closed on Friday.
  5. When is the busiest time in the shop?
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • the weekend

Concluding questions

  1. Do you think the girl will be offered the job? In English, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of her application.
  2. Imagine you are the shop assistant. Write a report in Indonesian on this job applicant for the shop manager. Evaluate her suitability for the job.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Item 1

Listen to the audio:


What does this advertisement offer shoppers?

Item 2

Listen to the audio:


What is the female speaker’s likely response?

  • Aduh.
  • Asyik.
  • Silakan.
  • Terima kasih.

Item 3

Listen to the audio:


Contrast the roles that part-time work plays in each speaker’s life.


Read the passage below and answer the questions which follow in English.

Minta nasihat

21 Desember

Ibu Rani yang terhormat,

Apa kabar, Bu? Saya harap Ibu sehat-sehat saja. Saya juga baik-baik tetapi sedikit kecewa karena baru saja melihat hasil HSC saya di internet.

Sayang, nilai HSC saya tidak seperti yang saya harapkan. Saya mendapat nilai rendah dalam beberapa pelajaran. Karena itu, saya kira saya tidak bisa masuk fakultas kesehatan. Sebenarnya saya ingin bekerja sebagai ahli fisioterapi karena saya sangat tertarik pada semua jenis olahraga.

Sebagai guru olahraga saya selama enam tahun, saya minta nasihat Ibu tentang apa yang harus saya lakukan.

Saya mempunyai beberapa pilihan:

  • Saya akan masuk kelas 12 sekali lagi tahun depan.
  • Saya akan masuk kursus lain yang berhubungan dengan olahraga. Saya mungkin bisa menjadi guru olahraga.
  • Saya akan bekerja setahun sambil memikirkan masa depan saya.

Menurut Ibu, pilihan mana yang paling cocok untuk saya?

Atau, apakah Ibu mempunyai pendapat lain?

Saya menunggu nasihat Ibu dan mengucapkan terima kasih sebelumnya.

Hormat saya,



  1. Explain why Liana has written to Ibu Rani. (3 marks)
  2. Apart from working next year what are Liana’s options? (2 marks)