Issues and conventions

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Tom Calma reading the HREOC publication 'Us Taken Away Kids'.

Tom Calma and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd reading the HREOC publication 'Us Taken Away Kids' which commemorates 10 years of the 'Bringing them Home' report. Photograph attributed to Australian Human Rights Commission (2008). Licensed under CC BY 2.0.

List of conventions of contemporary theatre practice in Stolen

Syllabus outcomes

A student:

Drama Stage 6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2009, p 22.

Some of these contemporary theatre practices have similarities to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pedagogies and Storytelling Practices. As there are lots of different Pedagogies and Storytelling Practices used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, you may want to ask your teacher how you can learn more about these Pedagogies and Practices, including from your local community, if appropriate. You may also wish to review the Respectful learning page. This list is not meant to be exhaustive or prescriptive: you can add to, refine or change this list depending on your study of the play.

Activity 11 – sharing your rubric understanding through performance

Syllabus outcomes

A student:

Drama Stage 6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2009, p 22.

Learning intention

To develop your knowledge of conventions of Contemporary Australian Theatre Practice by identifying and performing these conventions in Stolen, and to share and discuss this with the rest of the class.

Assumed knowledge


Markers and a big sheet of paper, or an online document that can be shared with the rest of the class.


Activity 12 – connecting issues and conventions in performance

Teacher note

The selection of issues used in this exercise should be considered within the specific school context and in line with the Controversial Issues in Schools Policy.

Syllabus outcomes

A student:

Drama Stage 6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2009, p 22.

Learning intention

To consider the impact that performing contemporary Australian theatre plays has on today's audiences and their thinking about artistic, cultural, social, political and personal issues and concerns.

Assumed knowledge



Drama Stage 6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2009.

Australian Human Rights Commission. 2008. Tom Calma and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd [photograph]. Accessed 17 August 23. Licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Harrison, J. 2007. Stolen [play script]. Currency Press.