Year 12

Mr Abbas

My name is Sam Abbas, the Year 12 Adviser and I am your initial contact in the school if you have concerns relating to the needs of the vivacious cohort. My role is to ensure that I supplement and establish a supportive system where students feel they can approach me to best support their journey to achieving a safe and successful education.

This year is an exciting prospect where we will be planning for and organising the Year 12 formal and graduation ceremony.

If you have any concerns for your child, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to seeing our students achieve success in their upcoming High School Certificate.

Ms Khan

My name is Sairah Khan, I am the Assistant Year 12 Adviser. I assist Mr Abbas, in being responsible for the wellbeing and its impacts on the learning of our students. We work together to ensure that a safe and supportive environment is provided to our students.

I am the secondary point of contact for parents in relation to any issues or problems that may arise regarding their child. We are both dedicated and work closely with staff and parents to provide the earliest possible intervention that may prevent problems for our students.

This year we are also focusing on some exciting events to boost the wellbeing of our students, including organising multiple fundraisers, rewards excursions and the end of year graduation and formal. We are looking forward to making this an exciting end to their schooling life and preparing them for the great years to come 😊

Stay healthy, stay active and keep connected during the HSC with resources brought to you by the department and ReachOut.

Self Care Challenge.pdf