Guess Who game


This is a fun game that is mostly useful for rote learning but also supports decision making and some amount of critical thinking.

This example requires students in Stage 4/5 Chemistry to become familiar with the characteristics of elements on the periodic table.

It could be used with many different subject areas and after students are familiar with the idea I would have them make their own versions. This would require them to make choices about design that are deep and require a strong understanding of the subject matter so that they do not make it too easy for people to guess who.


Step 1. Open the game on your device. Logged into your Google account, go to File and choose the Make a copy option so that you do not edit the original template.

Step 2. You will both need the game open on your own device to play.

Step 3. Follow the instructions to play the game.

Step 4. Choose a theme or topic that relates to work your class will do at the beginning of next term that could use the reinforcement of this simple game.

Step 5. Create your own version of the game.

Step 6. Start by deleting all the images from the second slide so that the slide is blank except for the background grid.

Step 7. Find or create new images to fit in with your theme or topic, uploading them to the blank second slide. Think carefully about how you place them and the kinds of categories that students could use to eliminate more than one card at a time.

Step 8. Delete the third slide and then duplicate the second slide so that Slide 2 and 3 are identical, if they are not the game will not work.

Step 9. Change the share settings so that your partner will be able to view the file. Add their email so they have access to the file.

Step 10. Get your partner to make a copy of the game. Play test your game with your partner. Do you need to make any changes?


The background was created by going to Slide and choosing Change background. I then chose to upload an image that I had created earlier in MS Paint. You could make the grid smaller to include more cards and options. Creating the grid this way means that players do not accidentally click on it or move it around.

All the content is created by uploading images. You might like to include them on the background image as well but this makes it harder to edit the game.

The green circle and red cross images need to be transparent so that they sit on top of the grid images. I created them in MS Paint. I inserted the red cross image by uploading it once and then duplicating it until I had enough for each grid space.


Internet access and your Google account are needed to use these resources.


Login to your Google account and then go to File and choose Make a copy to get your own version of the files.