Geography fieldwork in Stage 6

Students have the opportunity to engage in a variety of fieldwork activities. The HSC class for 2022 have attended excursions to Taronga Zoo, the Stockton sand dunes and Sydney CBD.

The first images on the left were taken in April 2020 when both the Year 11 and Year 12 classes spent the day investigating the sand dunes at Stockton. They enjoyed a 4WD Educational tour of the Sand Dunes (32kms of coastline and 2.5kms wide). The tour also allowed students to view Aboriginal Midden sites, the management strategies currently being used, the transportation of the sand into the National Park and go pipi hunting. The day finished with students experiencing Sand Boarding down the face of a 40-50m sand dune.

The map on the right was created by the HSC class of 2022, when they went to Sydney for two nights. One day, they collated 250 data point related to Urban Dynamics in Barangaroo. They then visited Taronga Zoo as part of their studies of an Economic Activity (Tourism)

Why study Geography?

Advice from teachers and students