Educational Websites

This section of the school website contains a wide variety of useful educational websites. These websites are of a general nature and most are KLA specific. The administrators will, over time, add more websites to this page, so keep checking back for new additions. We envisage that the websites will be catagorised under KLAs in the future.

General and KLA specific websites

Australian Bureau of Statistics: a great resource for a variety of subjects. Discover's Australia's population to the second! There is one person born every 1 minute and 34 seconds. There is information on Australia's population statistics e.g. births, deaths and marriages, and census data.

Australian War Memorial: here you can trace your relatives if they fought in the battle for Australia. Discover who Australia's Victoria Cross winners are and their story.

British Broadcasting Corporation: a multilingual news site that hosts a range of topical news items and they are available in a variety of formats: such as videos, podcasts and written articles.

NSW Education Standards Authority contains information about the Australian Curriculum, past HSC papers, examination reports, (comments from the marking centres), Syllabus, assessment advice, information about the implementation of the Record of Achievement, and HSC showcases and exhibitions such as ArtExpress.

Learn about Australia's wartime prime minister, including podcasts, educational programs and online resources.

Road Transport Authority: everything you need to know about driving a motor vehicle in NSW.

A website with information about Australians at war.

Fantastic quotes from Shakespeare, Einstein, Winston Churchill, Oscar Wilde, Gandhi, Confucius etc. Also topic quotes and quotes of the day.

Interesting website with information about climate change, solar power and indigenous knowledge and science.

The Council's website covers all aspects of living in Fairfield, N.S.W. Of particular interest is the link to the Council's Library Service. To access the Fairfield City Council Library Services. Please click on the following link

There you will find a range of On-Line Data Bases ranging from Biographies, Literature, the Environment, Health, Modern and Ancient History, Science and Social Issues.


To access many of these On-Line Data Bases you will have to join Fairfield Public Library.

This is a free service. Type in your individual Barcode Number which is on the back of your Library card.

Documenting a Democracy, is a website hosted and maintained by the National Archives of Australia, containing original documents, historical images, relating to the birth of the nation.

A website devoted to the life and works of Albert Einstein.

A fun and well-illustrated website for students devoted to the study of all aspects of weather and natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes.

An Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) site showcases the achievements of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.

The National Museum of Australia's website "collaborating for Indigenous Rights" has historical documents from the period 1957 to 1973.

The Australian Human Rights Commission website deals with social justice issues relating to Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. It also includes information for the general population on age discrimination.