
To complete today's activities, you will need:

something to draw on

something to draw with

clay, playdough or mud

book or journal to write in

soft toy

building blocks

Overview of today's activities:

  • Activity 1: Roll and play game (15 minutes)

  • Activity 2: Wombat poo (30 minutes)

  • Activity 3: Feelings chart (15 minutes)


  • Activity 4: Dance the day away (10 minutes)

  • Activity 5: Wanda goes shopping (45 minutes)

Please note, these times are an approximation only.

Roll and play game

Learning goal: Children share humour, happiness and satisfaction.

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Roll and play

Duration: 13:22

Too hard?

  • Watch Tash play the game.

  • Join in where you can.

Too easy?

  • Create your own rolling dice game. Use the dots on a dice, instead of colours and make your own set of 6 cards.

Wombat poo

Learning goal: Children use skills of experimentation and hypothesis to explore properties of objects.

1. Watch the video of Big Ted visiting the animals at the zoo.

ABC Kids 'Big Teds big adventure: Wombat' [video], accessed 30 September 2021.

2. Did you know that wombat poo is cubic, with straight sides? This is so wombats can use it to mark the area they live in without it rolling away.

3. Look at your building blocks. Which do you think will roll? Which do you think won't roll?

4. Test your blocks to see if you were right.

5. Look at this picture. Which of these objects do you think will roll? Why do you think this?

Drawing of a range of objects. Some are spheres (tennis ball, apple, grapes), some are cylinders (cans, tyres) and others are cubes (dice, book).

6. Make some wombat poo out of playdough, clay or mud. Make sure the poo is cubic, with straight sides so it can't roll.

Read facts about the wombat

  • Wombats are very territorial and use their poo to mark their territory (just like dogs use urine to mark their territory).

  • They like to poo up high, such as on rocks, as it provides a better marker.

Too hard?

  • Use cubed shaped blocks to build a tower. Count how many blocks high your tower is.

Too easy?

  • Look around your home to find objects that will roll.

  • Find objects that won't roll, but will stack instead.

Feelings chart

Learning goal: Children identify how they are feeling.

1. On a large piece of paper or cardboard draw a line of faces, each showing a different feeling.

2. Ask someone to write the word for each feeling under each face.

3. Each day, write your name or make a mark next to the face that shows how you are feeling.

4. Ask other people in your family to do the same.

5. Talk to each other about why you are feeling that way.

Emoji image of an angry face.
Emoji image of a surprised face.
Emoji image of a smiling face.
Emoji image of a laughing face.
Emoji image of a sad face.
Emoji image of a sleeping face.

Too hard?

  • Point to a face to show how you are feeling.

Too easy?

  • Add more faces to your chart, showing different feelings, for example, nervous, jealous or scared.

Take a break

Here are some things you might like to do:

  • have a drink of water and a healthy snack

  • play or have a rest

  • go to the toilet and wash your hands.

Dance the day away

Learning goal: Children explore their world and express themselves through song and dance.

Play the song and copy the dance movements. If you can, also join in singing!

DJ Raphie (25 February 2021) 'The Latinos Dance' [video], YouTube, accessed 18 October 2021.

Too hard?

  • Play the video and move your body.

Too easy?

  • Create some new dance moves to go with the music. Film yourself doing these in time with the music.

Wanda goes shopping

Learning goal: Children learn about their community.

1. Watch the video of Wanda buying things at her local nursery.

Wanda goes shopping- local nursery

Duration: 02:23

2. Take your travel buddy with you next time you go shopping.

3. Take pictures, or when you are back home do drawings, of you and your buddy on your adventure.

4. Ask someone to write about your adventure in your journal.

5. Let your teachers know what you and your buddy have been up to when you get back to preschool or day care.

Photo of a seated teddy bear.

Too hard?

  • Make a play shop at home for your buddy to buy things at.

Too easy?

  • Before you next go shopping, write a shopping list of the things you need to buy. How many items do you need?

Extra learning activities

Child voice