Transition to school support for families

Tips and resources to support your child's transition to school

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Transition to school activity icon

Starting in Week G we have included transition to school activities in the Early childhood guided learning packages. These activities are marked using the icon to the left.

On this page you can learn some tips and access resources curated for families by early childhood professionals from the Department of Education NSW.

Top Tip

Follow your child's lead on the transition activities as much as possible. Let them lead the play and learning so they become capable and confident learners. Learn more about this in our podcast Letting your child take the lead.

Activities to increase independence

Help your child practice self-help skills, develop the ability to do things for themselves, support them to feel strong and capable in moving to the school environment. The activities include:

  • packing school bag

  • dressing yourself

  • making lunches

  • getting ready for school in the morning

  • asking for help.


Let your child do as much as possible by themselves and help them think of ideas by talking to them.

Activities to increase awareness of school

Help children understand and talk about the general differences between school and preschool. The activities include:

  • school road safety

  • the big playground

  • the school library

  • using the sick bay

  • school logo and assembly

  • reading stories about first day at school.


Talk to your child about how school will be different, particularly things like safety in a big playground.

Activities to practice learning and thinking skills

Help your child build their thinking, literacy and numeracy skills and refine social skills such as turn taking and following instructions. This will support your child’s critical thinking skills like processing and problem solving at school. The activities include:

  • memory games

  • shared stories

  • board games

  • name writing

  • finding your school on Google Maps.


Support your child’s learning and thinking skills in conversations by asking real questions that they don’t know the answer to, such as “Why do you think that happened?” and “What do you think might happen next?”

Then help them to work out the answer for themselves.

Activities to support emotional skills

Validate your child's feelings about starting school. Talk to them about it and let them know how they feel is okay. Help them to gain skills and tools to feel calm and confident while getting used to the new space. The activities include:

  • feeling calm

  • asking for help

  • greeting people at school

  • preparing for school mornings

  • all about me

  • conversations about school

  • strengths

  • friends at school.


Conversations with your children can include questions like: “What did you like about that?” What are you wondering about?” This will support giving your child opportunities to share how they feel about starting school.

Family resources