
To complete today's activities, you will need:

something to draw on

something to draw with

optional - paint

optional - paint brushes

Overview of today's activities:

  • Activity 1: Plan a mini garden (30 minutes)

  • Activity 2: How do bees make honey? (15 minutes)

  • Activity 3: At the end of the school day (15 minutes)


  • Activity 4: Celebrating culture (10 minutes)

  • Activity 5: Rainbow ritual (20 minutes)

Please note, these times are an approximation only.

Plan a mini garden

Learning goal: Children appreciate and care for natural and built environments.

1. Watch the video of children making mini gardens.

Gardening Australia 'Making mini gardens' [video], ABC, accessed 20 September 2021.

2. Look at this plan for a mini garden. Notice it is drawn as though someone is looking at it from above, this is called 'bird's eye view'. The plants and other features have been labelled. This garden is for fairies and native creatures to play and live in. Native grasses provide shelter and protection for fairies and native animals.

3. Can you see the grasses in the plan? What else do you see in the plan?

Hand drawing showing a rough plan for a garden. Items are labelled, e.g. native grass, rocks.

. Plan your own mini garden on a piece of paper. As you plan your mini-garden, think about:

  • what types of plants you will include

  • where each plant will go

  • what else you will include in your garden, for example, furniture, pathways, play equipment, statues.

Too hard?

  • Look at a garden and talk with someone about what you can see.

  • Look at pictures of different plants and pick the one you would most like to plant in a garden.

Too easy?

  • Ask someone to help you write words on labels for each of the things in your plan. Try writing some yourself. Glue these onto your plan in the right place.

How do bees make honey?

Learning goal: Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these.

We all love honey.

How do you think bees make honey?

Listen to this podcast and think about what is being said.


ABC Kids Listen (7 April 2021) 'How do bees make make honey?' [podcast], ABC, accessed 12 October 2021.

Too hard?

  • Ask your family to talk to you about how bees make honey.

  • Taste some honey.

Too easy?

  • Draw the sequence of how a bee makes honey.

At the end of the school day

Learning goal: Children develop an understanding of school routines.

Icon indication a transition to school activity

At the end of the school day, you will pack your bag and wait with your teacher to be collected.

Talk with your family about these things:

1. What will you pack into your school bag at the end of the day?

2. What will you do if you can't find all of your things?

3. You and your class will wait with your teacher till someone comes to collect you from school. It is important you stay with your teacher till they arrive. Who will collect you from your teacher after school?

4. If your person is running late, who will collect you instead?

5. Will you be going to after school care? If so, one of the carers will collect you from your teacher.

6. Are you going to catch a bus home from school? If so, your teacher will show you where to line up. A different teacher will look after the children waiting for a bus.

Young child being held in an adult's arms. The child wears glasses and has a hearing aid.

Image owned by the NSW Department of Education under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)​

A father talking to two young girls in the school playground. The girls are in uniform and have school bags.

Image owned by the NSW Department of Education under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)​

Take a break

Here are some things you might like to do:

  • have a drink of water and a healthy snack

  • play or have a rest

  • go to the toilet and wash your hands.

Celebrating culture

Learning goal: Children broaden their understanding of the world.

1. Watch the video and dance or clap along to the beat.

2. Notice how many children from different countries join in singing the song.

Playing for change (4 November 2014) 'Don't worry be happy (Bobby McFerrin)' [video], YouTube, Accessed 12 October 2021.

Too hard?

  • Enjoy moving to the music.

Too easy?

  • During the video, writing comes up showing the country where each child or group of children is from. Ask someone to read these country names to you.

Rainbow ritual

Learning goal: Children enjoy moments of solitude to support their wellbeing.

1. Find a comfortable spot to sit or lay down.

2. Get ready to use your imagination.

3. Watch the video.

Rainbow ritual 1

Duration: 06:54

Rainbow ritual .mp4

4. Send an imaginary rainbow to someone you love.

5. Watch the video of Tash painting.

Rainbow inspired painting

Duration: 09:43

6. Do a painting or drawing with rainbow colours. If needed, view this video for ideas:

Rainbow ritual 3

Duration: 01:26

Extra learning activities

Child voice