
To complete today's activities, you will need:

something to draw on including coloured paper

something to draw with




wooden spoon

Overview of today's activities:

  • Activity 1: Sensory sensation (5 minutes)

  • Activity 2: Your name (5-10 minutes)

  • Activity 3: Sun safety (10-15 minutes)


  • Activity 4: Shapes (10-15 minutes)

  • Activity 5: Pease pudding hot (15-20 minutes)

Please note, these times are an approximation only.

Sensory sensation

Learning goal: Children use their senses to explore their environment.

Listen to the instructions or read them.

  1. Take a big breath in and a big breath out. What are five things you can see around you?

  2. Take another big breath in, and out. What are four things you can touch around you? Say them out loud as you touch them.

  3. Another big breath in and out. Name three things that you can hear around you?

  4. Big breath in and big breath out. What are two things that you can smell right now?

  5. Last breath in and out. What is something you can taste right now?

Too hard?

  • Pause the audio after each step to allow more time to think.

  • Ask someone to sit with you and look for examples of what you can see, touch, hear, smell and taste together.

  • Collect some objects to explore each of your senses, for example herbs, lavender, bark, leaves, sticks, fruit.

Too easy?

  • Draw some items for each sense.

  • Play 'I spy' with someone.

  • Describe a piece of fruit using all of your senses.

Your name

Learning goal: Children develop phonological awareness.

  1. Write or copy your name.

  2. Clap your name. How many syllables are in your name?

  3. Find three things that start with the same sound as your name.

  4. Make up three silly words that rhyme with your name.

  5. Repeat the steps using someone else in your family's name.

A young boy sitting at a table, writing his name on paper with a pencil.

This photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Too hard?

Use a sand tray (iPad, finger paint or shaving cream also work) to make:

  • circles and lines with your finger

  • the first letter of your name.

Too easy?

  • Try writing your middle and last name too.

  • Draw a family picture and write everyone's name.

Sun safety

Learning goal: Children understand how they can keep themselves safe in the sun.

  1. Listen to the song 'You've gotta be SunSmart', about keeping yourself safe in the sun.

  2. Watch the children in the second video getting ready to play outside.

  3. Find the items in your house that you need to play outside:

    • hat

    • sunscreen

    • a t-shirt that covers your shoulders

    • sunglasses.

  4. Draw yourself playing in the shade with your hat on.

Sun Smart Victoria (19 Feb 2017) 'You’ve Gotta Be SunSmart 'by Jay Laga’aia' [video], YouTube, accessed 21 September 2021.

Sun Smart Victoria (18 March 2015) 'How to Make Your Own Sunscreen Station SunSmart' [video], YouTube, accessed 21 September 2021.

Too hard?

  • Get someone to help you get ready for outside play.

  • Go out and have fun safely. Get someone to take a photo.

  • Tell another person how you are being sun safe in this photo.

Too easy?

  • Set up your own sunscreen station with some drawings, photos and signs about sun safety.

Take a break

Here are some things you might like to do:

  • have a drink of water and a healthy snack

  • play or have a rest

  • go to the toilet and wash your hands.


Learning goal: Children express their ideas and describe shapes.

  1. Find some coloured paper, scissors and glue.

  2. Watch this video.

  3. Cut out different shapes from the paper.

  4. Glue the shapes down to create a picture. If you don't have glue, you can put your shapes on the table to create a picture.

  5. Tell someone about your picture:

  • What have you made?

  • What colours did you use?

  • What shapes did you use?

ABC Kids 'Play School Art Crew : Shapes' [video], YouTube, accessed 21 September 2021.

Too hard?

  • Have someone cut out some shapes. Use these shapes to make a collage.

  • Draw some shapes.

  • Make some shapes with playdough.

Too easy?

  • Label your picture using shape and colour names.

  • Make another picture and see if you can add more details.

Pease pudding hot

Learning goal: Children engage with rhyme and rhythm through singing.

  1. Find a saucepan and wooden spoon.

  2. Watch the video and join in the activities.

  3. Sing the songs and keep the beat on your saucepan.

  4. Make up some rhythms on your saucepan.

  5. Show your facial expression when:

  • London bridge is falling down

  • you eat an imaginary cold pea pudding

  • you eat a hot pea pudding

  • you eat a pudding that is just right.

Too hard?

  • Watch the video and enjoy listening to the songs.

  • Clap your hands along to the video.

Too easy?

  • Make up your own beat on the saucepan.

  • Use two wooden spoons to make a beat.

  • Draw your facial expressions in the different parts of the song.

Extra learning activities

Learn about the lives of children living in different countries.

Where in the world_series 1, episode 11

Child voice