
To complete today's activities, you will need:

something to draw or paint on

something to draw with, including coloured pencils

cornflour and water

coloured cups, pegs, blocks or toys

medium sized ball that bounces

optional - paint

optional - paintbrush

Overview of today's activities:

  • Activity 1: Friends (15-30 minutes)

  • Activity 2: Shared story (10-15 minutes)

  • Activity 3: Bouncing and dribbling (20-30 minutes)


  • Activity 4: Patterns (15-20 minutes)

  • Activity 5: Goop (15-20 minutes)

Please note, these times are an approximation only.


Learning goal: Children reach out to others for company and friendship.

Watch this video and think about your friends.

  1. Do you have a special friend? Sometimes, our cousins are also our friends.

  2. What would you like to do with your friend next time you are able to see them?

  3. Draw or paint a picture of you and your friend having fun together.

  4. Have you spoken to your friend lately? If not, you might like to phone or video call your friend to chat.

Too hard?

  • Have someone show you photos of you and your friend. Get them to tell you what was happening in the photos.

  • Tell someone about your friend. Tell them something that you did together.

  • Find a photo of your friend and draw them.

Too easy?

  • Make a card or write a letter to your friend and ask someone to help you post it.

Shared story - Bluey: The creek

Learning goal: Children consider and discuss a story character's feelings.

Penguin Books Australia (28 September 2020) 'Bluey: The Creek' | Read Aloud by John Wood [video], YouTube, accessed 17 September 2021.

  1. Listen to the story 'Bluey: The Creek'.

  2. Talk to someone about these questions:

    • Have you been to a creek?

    • At the beginning of the story Bluey was scared of the creek. Why do you think Bluey was scared?

    • Are there any places that scare you?

    • What helps you to be less scared in this place?

    • How do you think Bluey felt about the creek at the end of the story?

Too hard?

  • Think about a time that you found something scary.

  • What did you do to feel less scared?

  • Did someone help you feel safe?

  • When have you been brave?

Too easy?

  • Draw or paint a picture of a place that made you feel scared.

  • Write, or ask someone to write, the words on the picture of how that place made you feel.

  • Think about what helps you feel less scared.

  • Tell someone about a time that you were brave.

Bouncing and dribbling

Learning goal: Children learn to bounce and dribble a ball.

  1. Find a medium sized ball that bounces.

  2. Watch this video and follow the instructions.

Too hard?

  • Use a balloon on a string to bounce in time to some music.

  • Move to some music using bouncy movements. Bounce your hands in your lap. Bounce your feet on the ground. Nod your head.

  • Bounce a ball to someone else.

Too easy?

  • Try running and bouncing a ball at the same time.

Take a break

Here are some things you might like to do:

  • have a drink of water and a healthy snack

  • play or have a rest

  • go to the toilet and wash your hands.


Learning goal: Children identify and create patterns.

  1. Watch this video.

  2. Copy the patterns on the video using your own fruit or other items.

  3. Now make some of your own patterns. You might like to make a:

    • colour pattern, using blocks, pencils, cups or toys

    • movement pattern, using steps or body movements

    • sound pattern, using your hands to make music.

  4. After you have made each pattern tell someone about it.

What comes next?

NSW Department of Education (2 February 2016) 'What comes next?' [video],Everyday Maths Hub, accessed 19 September 2021.

Too hard?

  • Get someone to make you a fruit pattern. Taste the different fruit.

  • Make your patterns with someone else.

Too easy?

  • Teach someone about a pattern you have made.


Learning goal: Children explore and investigate the properties of a substance.

  1. Follow this recipe to make goop.

  2. Play with your goop.

  3. How can you make your goop hard?

  4. How can you make your goop runny?

Child's hands pressing into blue goop.

This Photo by Midget Momma is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

Too hard?

  • Have someone make the goop for you.

  • Let the goop run through your fingers.

  • Press the goop hard.

  • Hide some toys in the goop and then find them with your hands.

Too easy?

  • Make different shapes with the hard and runny goop.

Extra learning activities

  • Use the Chrome music lab to make a melody.

  • Click on the squares and then press 'play' to hear your melody.

  • If you want to hear different instrument sounds, try the song maker.

Child voice