
To complete today's activities, you will need:

something to draw on

something to draw with

sticky tape


a container


sticks, rulers or chopsticks

  • boxes, Duplo or books

  • various materials for building a boat

Family heritage

Learning goal: Children develop strong foundations in both the culture and language/s of their family.

  1. Talk to a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle.

  2. Ask them questions to find out about your family, for example:

  • Where were you born?

  • If you were born overseas, what does this country’s flag look like?

  • If you are Aboriginal, what is your Country?

  • Where did you grow up?

  • What language/s do you speak?

  • What are some favourite family foods?

  • What games did you play when you were young?

A woman smiles at a girl she is holding and the girl smiles happily at the camera.

Image owned by the NSW Department of Education under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)​

Too hard?

  • Draw your extended family.

  • If your family member speaks a language other than English, ask them to sing you a song in that language.

Too easy?

  • Ask your family member to point out locations on a map that are significant to your family.

  • If your family member speaks a language other than English, ask them to tell you a story in this language.

  • Record the information your family member tells you in a drawing or painting.

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Shared story - The three billy goats gruff

Learning goal: Children join in the repetitive language of a familiar story.

  1. Listen to this story of, 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'.

  2. As you listen, join in saying parts of the story, for example, join the troll to say:

  • Who's that tripping over my bridge?

  • And where are you going?

  • I'm coming to gobble you up!

Oxbridgebaby (21 July 2011) 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff - Animated Fairy Tales for Children' [video], Youtube, accessed 1 September 2021.

Too hard?

  • Join in saying, 'trip, trap, trip, trap, trip, trap' or slapping your knees, each time one of the Billy Goats Gruff crosses the bridge.

Too easy?

  • Listen to the story again, joining in saying as much of you can.

Puppet show

Learning goal: Children re-enact a well-known story

  1. Draw the characters from the,'Three Billy Goats Gruff' story.

  2. Cut each character out and tape it onto something long and thin, such as a chopstick or ruler, to make a puppet.

  3. Make a bridge out of boxes, Duplo or books.

  4. Retell the story, getting each of your Billy Goats Gruff to cross the bridge.

A drawing of a goat and a drawing of a troll taped to a stick

Too hard?

  • Draw one of the Billy Goats Gruff. Cut it out to make a puppet. Make your goat cross a "river" and say, 'trip, trap, trip, trap, trip, trap'.

Too easy?

  • Paint or draw a backdrop for your puppet show which includes the hill and river.

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Take a break

Here are some things you might like to do:

  • have a drink of water and a healthy snack

  • play or have a rest

  • go to the toilet and wash your hands.

Drinking water

Learning goal: Children recognise and choose healthy drinks.

  • If you are thirsty, you need to have a drink.

  • Water is a good choice as it does not have any added sugar.

  • Water is also important for good health.

  • Our bodies need 4-5 cups of water each day to work properly.

  • How could you find out how much water you drink each day?

A boy plays with water from a drinking fountain

Image by PNW Production,

This video is for you and the adults in your family to watch together. It talks about why we should choose water to drink.

Good for kids (3 March 2020), 'Choose water to drink' [video], YouTube, accessed 1 September 2021.


Learning goal: Children sort, categorise, order and compare collections.

  1. Watch this video about sorting collections.

  2. Sort and organise your toys.

  3. Tell someone how you have organised your toys.

  4. Sort all the things you use to draw with. How did you sort your drawing things?

Too hard?

  • Sort your blocks or Lego by colour.

  • Sort your pencils by length.

Too easy?

Sort your books out. If you keep them on a shelf rearrange them into groups on the shelf or into containers. Tell someone how you have sorted your books.

Science and water play

Learning goal: Children use play to investigate and solve problems.

  1. Make a boat that will float.

  2. Test your boat in a container of water.

  3. If your boat didn't float, change it and try again.

  4. After your boat floats, test how much it can carry before it sinks.

  5. Make a wide boat and a thin boat. Which floats better?

A boat made from Lego floating in water
On small and one large boat made from foil floating in water.

Too hard?

  • Test different objects to see what sinks and what floats.

Too easy?

  • Make another boat out of a different material. How many blocks or small stones can it hold before sinking?

Parents give us some feedback on that activity

Extra learning activities

ABC TV Education resources-I'm a Fish_im-a-fish-frogfish-early-childhood-lower-primary.docx

Child voice