
To complete today's activities, you will need:

something to draw on

something to draw with

twigs or small sticks

Other items:

  • dress up clothes, such as scarves, fabric, hand bags, towels, belts, shawls or a hat

Communicating in different ways

Learning goal: Children notice and react in positive ways to similarities and differences among people.

  1. Listen to the story 'Hooray for fish!'.

  2. Notice how the storyteller communicates using Auslan sign language.

  3. Follow along and try out some of the signs yourself.

Too hard?

  • Choose your own story and ask someone to read it to you.

Too easy?

  • Did you hear any rhyming words in the story?

Word awareness

Learning goal: Children listen and respond to sounds and patterns in speech.

Watch the video and follow along with the teacher.

Nulkabapublicschool (6 September 2021) 'Phonological awareness lesson 1' [video], YouTube, accessed 10 September 2021.

Too hard?

  • Say each type of animal you know as someone in your family counts how many you say.

  • Repeat for types of fruit.

Too easy?

  • Say a well known rhyme, such as, 'This little piggy went to market' one phrase or sentence at a time. Count how many words you say.

Parents give us some feedback on that activity.

Let's all move together!

Learning goal: Children respond to movement through dance and drama.

  1. Listen to this song.

  2. Follow the instructions to:

    • jump like a kangaroo

    • gallop like a horse

    • leap like a lion

    • hop around the room

    • dance like a monkey in the zoo.


NSW Government (2020) 'Let's all move together' [song], Munch and Move, accessed 2 September 2021.

If you enjoyed that dance, try the 'Native Animal Song'.

Raising Children Network 'Baby Karaoke: Native animal song' [video], accessed 2 September 2021.

Take a break

Here are some things you might like to do:

  • have a drink of water and a healthy snack

  • play or have a rest

  • go to the toilet and wash your hands.

Dress ups

Learning goal: Children use play to investigate, imagine and explore ideas.

  1. Collect some dress up materials and put them in a box.

  2. Think about what or who you might like to dress up as.

  3. Get dressed in whatever outfit you like.

  4. Tell someone about your outfit. Are you pretending to be someone?

A young girl dressed as a fairy runs on grass.

Image by Luis Navas from Pixabay

Shape pictures

Learning goal: Children represent and communicate their thinking.

  1. Go for a walk outside to collect some twigs or small sticks.

  2. Use your twigs to make some shapes.

  3. Say the names of the shapes.

  4. How many sticks did you need to make each shape?

  5. What else can you make with your sticks?

Three sticks arranged into a triangle
Four sticks arranged into a rectangle
Six sticks arranged into a hexagon
Eight sticks arranged into the shape of a house.

Too hard?

  • Ask someone to make a shape. Copy their shape.

Too easy?

  • How many different shapes can you make with four sticks?

  • What can you make with ten sticks?

Parents give us some feedback on that activity

Bird watching

Learning goal: Children explore their environment.

  1. Go for a walk with your family. If you can't go for a walk, look out your window or go out to your yard or balcony.

  2. Look for birds.

  3. Keep a tally or draw the birds you see.

  4. Which of the birds in the photos below did you see?

  5. Which bird did you see the most of?

  6. What were the birds you saw doing? Were they perching, flying or feeding?


A magpie standing on a pole

"MAGPIE" by NAPARAZZI is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Bush turkey

A bush turkey pecking at the ground


A pigeon standing on the ground


An ibis perched on a wooden fence rail

"White Ibis" by twoblueday is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Rainbow Lorikeet

A rainbow lorikeet perched on a branch

Noisy miner

A noisy miner perched on a branch

"Noisy Miner" by PaulBalfe is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Extra learning activities

Alpacas with maracas2.docx

Child voice