
To complete today’s activities, you will need:

something to draw on

something to draw with

some items for rolling like a ball, water bottle, plastic cup, toy car

3-4 small books and a big book, piece of cardboard or chopping board

What can you see?

Learning goal: Children repeat the actions of others and identify the distance between object.

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Look for the thing furthest away from you.

  • Look for the thing closest to you.

  • Choose something close to you. Look at it closely. What can you see and feel?

Mindfulness - Focus

Duration: 2:17

Shared reading - Where the forest meets the sea

Learning goal: Children use drawing to express ideas and make meaning of stories.

  1. Complete the before the episode activity.

  2. Listen to the story ‘Where the forest meets the sea’.

  3. Complete the after the episode activities.

Noticing patterns and symbols

Learning goal: Children begin to recognise patterns and symbols and the connections between them.

This Aboriginal artwork was painted by Suzanna Bulai on Gamilaraay Country.

Look carefully at the painting and think about:

  • What colours have been used?

  • What shapes can you see?

  • What patterns can you see?

  • Why do you think there is a circle in the middle?

  • Why do you think the artist has included footsteps?

A set of concentric circles surrounded by human figures with linked hands. Outside of the human figures are foot prints in a trail.

Image owned by the NSW Department of Education and is subject to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)

Learn more about the artwork

This artwork was commissioned for the department’s Reconciliation Action Plan. It was created by Suzanna Bulai, a student at Boggabilla Central School which is on Gamilaraay Country near the Queensland border in the North East of NSW.


Learning goal: Children use gross motor skills to move their body in particular ways.

Watch the video and join in the activities.

Duration: 20:48

How do objects move?

Learning goal: Children experiment with cause and effect, trial and error, and motion.

Watch the video to get set up.

You will need:

  • some items for rolling like a ball, water bottle, plastic cup, toy car – whatever you can find

  • 3-4 books to make a stack

  • a big book, piece of cardboard or chopping board to create a ramp

Learning how objects move - Instructions and set up

Duration: 1:08

Use the drawing to make your ramp.

drawing of a ramp on a pile of books

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hold one of your items at the top of the ramp and let it go.

  • What did you notice?

  • Did the object roll down the ramp?

  • Did the object fall off the ramp?

  • Did the object not move?

Learning how objects move - Activity

Duration: 5:47

Want to do more?

  • Draw a picture of your ramp.

  • Draw what items rolled down the ramp and which items rolled off your ramp.

  • What do you think will happen if you stack more books? Try it to find out!

  • What do you think if you take away some books? Try it and find out!

Extra learning activities

Child voice