
To complete today's activities, you will need:

something to draw on

something to draw with

something to build with

Family drawing

Learning goal: Children sense and respond to a feeling of belonging.

1. Watch the video.

2. Draw your family.

3. If you have any pets, draw them also.

4. Find somewhere to display your picture, perhaps on the fridge or in your bedroom.

Looking at your picture will remind you of who you care about and who cares about you.

Duration: 1:40

Describing things

Learning goal: Children respond verbally and non-verbally to what they see, hear, touch, feel and taste.

Watch the video and join in the activity.

A dirt road in deciduous forest in autumn. Leaves on the trees and on the ground are a warm mixture of orange, red and yellow.

Image by Valiphotos from Pixabay

  1. Now it's your turn. Think of different things, or find things in your home, that you can:

  • see

  • hear

  • smell

  • feel.

  1. Find a leaf.

  2. Is it the same colour as the ones in the video?

  3. Does it smell?

  4. Does it feel crunchy, smooth or spiky?

Want to learn more?

If you have a pet:

  • Look at your pet. What size is it? What is its hair or fur like?

  • Touch your pet. How does it feel?

  • Smell your pet. How does it smell?

  • Listen to your pet. What sounds does it make?

Speaking Spanish

Learning goal: Children broaden their understanding of the world in which they live.

Watch the video and listen to the Spanish words.

Brain break
Duration: 4:11

What language or languages do you speak?

If you speak a language other than English, do you know the words for the different sports mentioned in the video; basketball, soccer, swimming, table tennis and athletics?


Learning goal: Children engage in physical activity to stay healthy.

Watch the video and join in.


Building challenge

Learning goal: Children persist to complete a task.

You will need:

  • something to build with, such as Lego, Duplo, blocks or empty boxes.

What to do:

Choose one or more of these challenges to complete:

  • build two towers, each out of different materials. Make the towers exactly the same height

  • build a home for a snake

  • build a shed for a long, thin car and a tall car

  • build a bridge

  • build a house with four windows and two doors.

An unstructured pile of Lego in front of three towers made of different materials including wooden blocks and Lego.

Extra learning activities

Learning how to do a perfect composition with a camera is easy with Dorothea beside you. View Art with Mati and Dada - Dorothea Lange, series 1, episode 30.

Child voice