Google Classroom Guides

Logging on to Google Classroom

The first step is to log onto your Student Portal.

  1. Visit and click log in. Then click "Student portal" on the drop down menu.

2. Login to student portal.

Each student has a username which follows the format: firstname.lastname

It may be followed by a number.

If your child is unsure of their User ID and password please contact the class teacher.

Once your child has accessed the student portal they will be able to access GSuite apps, which include Google Classroom.

3. Click on GSuite in the Quick Access links.
If it is note in the quick access links then go to the learning tab on the right side and click more. You will find G Suite (Google Apps for Education) listed.

4. Click on Google Classroom under the heading "Create and Collaborate."

5. Then click on your class or Maths group class.

Submitting work on Google Classroom

Accessing Google Classroom.webm