Parent Support

Parents and carers toolkit

To support the hard working parents and carers that support our students, the NSW Department of Education created an 'essentials' toolkit packed with self-care tips and handy lists.

To access this toolkit please click here.

NSW DOE Wellbeing

The NSW Department of Education regularly publishes wellbeing articles to support parents. Explore articles and advice to help manage common health and wellbeing issues your child may face at school and at home. Check out the wellbeing website by clicking here.


SchoolTV is a wellbeing platform created by Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, a pyschologist who primarily focuses on mental health, families, parenting, children, adolescents and the use of technology for mental health. Each edition addresses a major topic with expert interviews, fact sheets, parent quiz, recommended apps, books and much more. SchoolTV aggregates information from many great resources such as BeyondBlue and ReachOut, amongst others.

To check out the latest SchoolTV articles or browse previous published articles, click here.

Digital Citizenship

The goal of the Digital Citizenship resource is to empower students, teachers and parents with practical advice, based on current research, to guide them in making informed decisions about how children and young people engage and conduct themselves online. Please click here to see articles on how you can support your child to be a responsible digital citizen.

The NSW DoE also provides access to a range of cyber safety resources that you can access here.

Parenting Resources Covid-19 2021 (1).pdf

If you would like additional support, the following services are available:

  • Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800 – •

  • Headspace – 1800 650 890 –

  • Parent Helpline – 1300 1300 52

  • Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636

  • Lifeline – 13 11 14