Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I send my child to school?

The school remains open. However, NSW Health and NSW Department of Education strongly encourage learning from home where possible. Minimal staff will be on site and it is unlikely that your child will be supervised by their class teacher. Students attending school will complete the same set work as students completing work from home.

2. As a student, how do I communicate with my teacher?

You can ask questions and seek feedback by contacting your teacher through the online platform you are using (ClassDojo, Google Classroom and Teams). You are encouraged to seek feedback on your work.

3. As a parent, how do I communicate with my child's teacher?

Parents can direct message teachers on ClassDojo if they have any questions, concerns or are seeking support. Parents may also choose to email teachers directly. Where an issue arises that can't be solved by your child's teacher, parents can contact the school via email

4. What if I'm having trouble accessing the work online?

It is important that you communicate any concerns you have regarding downloading or accessing work directly with your class teacher. Please contact your class teacher to make arrangements for a non-digital version of student learning. Should you require assistance with technology, including loaning a device from the school, please contact the school directly via email

5. I am feeling overwhelmed with work. What should I do?

If you are finding it difficult to complete set work please don’t feel stressed or defeated as we all work at a different pace.

In a classroom teachers make regular judgements about how students are coping with work and are able to quickly support you and adapt lessons. In a remote setting this judgement is difficult. Let your classroom teacher know if you are finding the work difficult so that they can support you.