Research and Study Skills

Learning how to learn is life's most important skill. - Tony Buzan

Google Search Tips

Watch one of these YouTube videos (there are lots to choose from) for tips and tricks on how to get the best results from your google searches by using Search Operators to help broaden or narrow down your results.

This is an excellent resource prepared by the University of NSW. It offers a great foundation for taking good notes in class and when researching for an assignment, as well as preparing summaries for exams.

Use this worksheet to take notes from the website. Completing  the task will help ensure you take away key ideas that will support your reading and note-taking skills.

Referencing & Bibliography (Seniors)

This is a screen capture video guide for senior students explaining how to add in-text citations and generate a bibliography / reference list using the tools available to you in Microsoft Word. 

NB: MS Word must be downloaded to your computer as the web-based version does not have the full functionality. You can download the software from your DoE Student Portal, from Microsoft Office 365.

Wollongong City Library provide learning support and homework help through Studiosity. You can ask questions of subject matter experts (English, Math, Science) or submit draft essays for review.

If you are not already a member, you will need to become a member of Wollongong City Library.