Reading & Listening
Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are - Mason Cooley
Why Read?
Independent reading is not reading books set by the teacher in English.
Independent reading is reading a book of your choice, for your own enjoyment, without any pressure.
For students, the number one predictor of far horizon success is having an independent reading practice, that is, reading a chosen book for 15-20 minutes per day. Near horizon success is short term; for example, end of school exams. Far horizon success refers to adulthood and beyond. Having an independent reading practice in your youth will increase success in your career, relationships and wellbeing throughout your life.
Children who love reading and see themselves as readers are the most successful in school and have the greatest opportunities in life.
Miller, Donalyn, and Susan Kelley (2013), Reading in the Wild: The Book Whisperer's Keys to Cultivating Lifelong Reading Habits
"Reading fosters your empathy for others, reading improves your ability to learn, and it grows your sense of wonder for the world around you." Claxton, G. (2019), Emeritus Professor of Learning Sciences at the University of Bristol Graduate School of Education, Presentation
"High-level business leaders have long touted the virtues of reading:
Warren Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, spends most of his day reading and recommends reading 500 pages a day.
Entrepreneur Mark Cuban says he reads more than three hours a day.
Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, says he learned to build rockets by reading books...
If we want better thinkers in the business world, we have to build better readers."
Christine Seifert (professor of communication at Westminster College, Utah). The Case for Reading Fiction, Harvard Business Review, 2020.
In The Untold Power of the Book, Prof J Billinton (2015) states the following:
People who read for just 30 minutes per week are more likely to be satisfied with their lives.
People who read are 21% less likely to report feelings of depression and 10% more likely to report good self-esteem versus non-readers, equipping them with a greater ability to cope with everyday life.
Regular readers for pleasure reported fewer feelings of stress than non-readers, and stronger feelings of relaxation from reading than watching television, engaging with social media or reading other leisure material.
One of the greatest benefits of being a reader was a better understanding of other people’s feelings compared to non-readers
So, with all this evidence and information...
Is 15-20 minutes a day a worthwhile investment to increase your likelihood of success in your studies, career, relationships and wellbeing throughout your life? Is 15-20 minutes a week of reading a worthwhile investment to increase your satisfaction in life, cope better, relax more and connect with people more?
(Adapted from Daniel Jones, Teacher Librarian at Smith's Hill High School).
eBooks & Audiobooks @ Dapto HS
You can access Dapto HS eBooks and audiobooks via the link above. Here you can login, borrow and read or listen to a book. You will also find instructions on how to download the ePlatform app for a simpler borrowing and reading experience with a tablet device or phone.
If you have any difficulties, view the videos below on How to access the DHS Digital Library. If you continue to have problems, click on the button above to Ask a Teacher Librarian for support.
Step-by-step Guides - Written (for various devices)
ePlatform Video Guide for WebBrowser access - (Best for laptops or PCs)
ePlatform Video Guide for App access - (Best for tablets or phones)
eBooks & Audiobooks @ Wollongong City Library
If you can't find what you are looking for from eplatform@DHS, I highly recommend accessing the eBooks and Audiobooks available to you from Wollongong City Library. The link above will lead you to instructions for downloading and accessing their various online apps and catalogues. I have found the following apps to be the best options for most:
Hoopla provides access to eBooks, audiobooks, comics, movies and tv shows; access the apps here for Apple or Android
BorrowBox provides access to eBooks, Audiobooks and ePress; access the apps here for Apple or Android
To access these digital resources, you will need your Wollongong City Library Card. If you are not currently a member, you can register for membership online.
Premier's Reading Challenge
2024 Challenge Dates
Challenge opens: Monday 26 February 2022
Challenge closes for student entries: Friday 23 August 2022
Click on the image or this link to go to the Premier's Reading Challenge student website.
Use your DoE Username and Password to log on.
Watch this video to learn how to add books to your reading log for the PRC.
This part of the website is under construction.
If you'd like to recommend a podcast to add - please click the 'Ask a Teacher Librarian' button to make your recommendation.
Renaissance Reading (Year 7)
To login to the DHS Reading Renaissance page, navigate to Renaissance and follow the prompts. Student login details have been supplied in class and can be checked with your teacher (Password Read).
Here students will complete STAR reading assessments and can explore Accelerated Reader articles and books within their reading range. They can also complete Reading Quizzes on completed Renaissance Accelerated Reader books.
Students are asked to complete either a Fiction Reading Record (narrative) or Non-Fiction Reading Record (information) when they have finished reading a book that is not an Accelerated Reader books.
Book Week
Every year, the Children's Book Council of Australia celebrates Book Week. Books written by Australian authors are nominated for different categories, and the winners are announced in August. It is an excellent opportunity to celebrate our Australian authors, books and reading.
Every year, we celebrate at Dapto High School with dress ups, author talks and a variety of competitions. Follow the links below for information or past winners.
📚 2024: Reading is Magic 📚
2023: Read, Grow, Inspire
2022: Dreaming with Eyes Open
2021: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds